Chapter 27: Anansi

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The Ferris wheel rose up slowly, every second getting a little higher. It was pleasant and a breeze to handle if you sat still, which you did. Your feet were planted on the floor, still, but your fingers fidgeted excitedly.

The wheel gradually halted to a stop halfway, providing a good view of the sky out the tinted windows. It made it look darker than it actually was, but you didn't mind.

You scrambled against the window with an eager smile, witnessing the first fireworks burst in the orange sky. Soon another came, and then another.

Fireworks of all different neon colors boomed and squealed each time they set off. They came like rapid fire, easy to miss with a blink before more took over.

So pretty..

"Just in time! Look at that" Marinette pressed her phone against the window, giving adrien a view as if he were there.

"Woah.." you heard Alya gawk from the comforts of her seat, leaning over nino. He had a gloom look on his face, looking down at his lap instead of out the window.

"What's up?" Alya asked, quick to catch on how reserved he's been since they got on.

"Oh..uh..nothing. Well.." nino fumbled, at a loss for words. He gazed away from Alya nervously. You heard the whole thing, but decided it was best to let the couple sort it out.

"Woah! It's beautiful..Thank you guys" Adrien obliviously cut in, and Marinette turned the phone over to face her. You couldn't help casually peeking over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of Adriens pleased look morph into one of horror.

You felt something was wrong too. Your body was blanketed with a hard chill, the hair on your arms stood like needles. You subconsciously rubbed your arms, taking a look around you.

"Marinette! Behind you! I saw something go by" Adrien warned, causing the bluenette to quickly snap around. You did too, but nothing was to be seen.

Truthfully, you felt fear. You didn't have your alter ego to turn to because it would cause trouble to the other hero's, but your body protested against logic.

"What was it?" Adrien questioned as marinette pressed up against the glass, a bewildered look on her face. She was looking, but nothing.

"I didn't see anything..maybe it was a bird?" she question in confusion, but you shook your head.

"No way. Somethings up" you denied, and it wasn't long after till your enclosure shook. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears, tempted to deal with the problem yourself.

'No. I have to wait it out like everyone else, calm down (name)' you mentally chided, digging your fingernails into your forearm. You bounced your leg impatiently.

"Dude..please don't tell me we're gonna be stuck up here" nino sputtered fearfully, holding onto Alya tightly. The girl wasn't as shaken.

"I thought you said you were going to protect us" she replied smugly instead, a smirk on her face.

"Over there! A supervillan!" Marinette cried, spotting a spider like figure below. You hurried over and looked down as well, seeing a familiar face with a brand new look.

'Oh shit its Nora'

You could hear adriens quiet gasp from the other side of the line, and Alya rushing up to the window excitedly. Nino fearfully slinked behind, peeping over the auburn haired girl who started blogging the whole thing.

"Hey remember that time we died on a Ferris wheel?" You joked, straining a chuckle. Adrien practically felt himself pale as he heard you say that, and nino had the look on his face like he was about to faint.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now