Chapter 6: Bakery Adventure

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You woke up on Saturday, but for some reason, felt something heavy. Your chest was tight like a twisted up pretzel, and you felt like gum on the bottom of someone's shoe.

The mornings were definitely the worst.

You sat up tiredly, rubbing your loosely curled fists over your eyes. It was 8 am, and you weren't really used to waking up so early. Usually, waking up at 11.

You yawned, finding no will to move as you ruffled your horrible case of bed head. Your hair was pulled over your face in their tangly knots, making you look like the grudge.

"Wait, whats with my-" you realized you slept on the ceiling, blinking repeatedly to see your carpet below you.

"I swear this always happens.." You grumbled, spotting your thrown bedsheets and scattered pillows.

Being normal just didn't sit right with your spider powers.

Despite your odd (but normal) situation, you stood up and jumped down from your ceiling, landing quietly on your feet.

You wanted to sleep, oh how heavenly sleep sounded,

But you needed to get away from the tired feeling. In all honesty, you would sleep all day if you gave in.

'I'll..I'll go exploring today. Then later, I can finish my suit. Sounds like a plan'

"Yeah, okay. We can do that" you tightly smiled to yourself, changing into a hoodie and jeans.

You tied the shoelaces to your dying vans that were crying for retire, bursting out of your room.

You walked down the carpeted stairs, quick footsteps catching your moms attention. She turned to you,

"Oh, hey sweetheart. Do you want me to cook you breakfast?" She asked attentively, ready to jump off of the sofa to fulfill your needs. You shook your head, wondering why she even asked.

'Aren't I supposed to make breakfast myself..?'
Was what you wanted to say, but instead, you answered casually.

"I'll eat cereal instead, it's okay" you pause, "And hey, is it okay if I go around Paris?" You practically pleaded, and without a doubt you were granted permission.

"Yeah, of course. Here, I'll just give you some money in case you get hungry" Your dad answered before your mom even could, rummaging through his pockets to fish out cash. It was to buy a treat or two, exactly what you needed.

You approached and took the money with a smile, thanking him before waltzing back to the kitchen.

"Well that was easy" you whispered to yourself, slipping the money in your pocket. You took one of the three types of cereal choices and poured it, quietly eating breakfast.

Washing your finished breakfast, you opened the door to be greeted by the streets of Paris. Everywhere was lively, almost like a Disney movie.

"There's so much going on..I never thought of how crowded this place would be.." You sulked, instinctively shrinking down into your hood.

You felt a shroud of discouragement sink in your heart, an upsetting emotion threatening to spread.

That's all it took for you to force yourself to become one with the crowd.

And so your journey began.

You walked down the sidewalk of Paris while admiring the scenery, taking pictures every now and then during your adventure. The people around you were speaking in a clutter of multiple conversations, which drowned out the further you ventured.

-DISCONTINUED- Spider-bend [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x oc]Where stories live. Discover now