"The Lab Partner". Pt. 2

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"Sure!" Peter smiled. "That's ok with me." He muttered. He opened so easily to him, but he was a little nervous around Wade too.

"Ok so the properties-"

"Property number 10. It's mass is 20, 8 electrons, Configuration [He]." Peter interrupted, writing it down on his notebook.

Wade froze. "Jesus, baby boy. Wonder if you're sciency in bed-"

Peter put his hand over Wade's mouth, blushing. "Don't say that."

Wade smiled and pulled Peter's hand away. "Why not?"

Peter looked away and wrote down the rest of the properties. "It's embarrassing." He muttered.

"Hm?" Wade leaned in, looking at Peter closely.

Peter looked at Wade. They were dangerously close. Peter could feel Wade's breath on his face.

He flushed and looked away. "Let's just get on with it."

"Aweee Pe-"

"So, who's going to bring the supplies? And what're we making it out of?" Peter changed the subject.

Wade huffed and wrapped his arm around Peter's waist again. "Let's take a break, she said we had a week. Let's just hangout."

Peter shook his head. "No, I want to get it done, the faster it's done, the better it is."

Wade smirked, it was a wolffish kind of grin.

Peter slapped Wade's shoulder and turned back in his seat.

"Come on! But the longer we take, the longer we get to hangout!" Wade whined, trying to sneak his arm back around Peter.

Peter rubbed his forehead. "Let's just get it done, please."


"Wade." Peter warned. "I. Want. To. Get. It. Done."

Wade laughed and booped Peter's nose. "You're not intimidating at all."

Peter pulled away. "I'll just do it by myself."

Wade smirked and pulled him back. "We should watch a movie, Petey."

Peter shook his head. "That's boring, we need to finish this."

Wade sighed. "Just forget about it. Look, I'll buy the materials, bring it to school tomorrow, and we can do it together tomorrow."

Peter hesitated but gave up. "I don't want to watch a movie, though."

Wade'a eyes glinted again with mischief. "We don't have to watch a movie."

Peter was too innocent to understand. "Ok."

Wade's eyes popped open. "Did you understand anything I just said?"

Peter thought for a minute. "Yes? No." He didn't know how Wade wanted him to answer that question.

Wade laughed. It was almost tears too. Peter laughed alongside him. He couldn't help it, his laughed as so contagious.

They breathed for air. Peter's stomach hurt from laughing so much.

"Awe that was great, thank you Petey."

Peter nodded, not knowing what he did.

"So then, what're we gonna do?" Wade asked.

"We could make cookies?" Peter asked. "There might be ingredients it the kitchen."

Wade's eyes lit up. "Sure!" He got up quickly and walked to the open kitchen.

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