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As a final touch she ensured she was wearing her glasses, remembering that James had said he liked her wearing them weeks before.

"Okay," Cassie said, while taking in a deep breath, as she turned back around to face the girls behined her.

"I'm ready."


"It's bloody freezing." Cassie said as she walked besides James.

The two of them were walking through Hogsmeade when it suddenly began to rain. The rain beginning as a slight shower, soon turning into a downpour as they walked further into the village.

"Want my scarf?" James asked, pulling the woolen item from around his neck and turning towards the dark-haired girl.

He stared in awe as he looked at her once again. He couldn't get over how pretty she looked, and he also hadn't stopped telling her until she treated to hex him if he said it one more time.

James looked scared for a second before the two of them began to laugh.

"Oh don't be such a sap Jamesie," James looked down at her, their eyes meeting as the two of them grinned.

"Let's go to Rosmertas before it's full."

Cassie then shook her head, grabbing James hand and pulling him in the direction of The Three Broomsticks.


"You don't like butterbeer?" James asked as the two off them took of their glasses to clean the steam of the lenses as they sat down in a corner booth at the Three Broomsticks.

Cassie shook her head, placing her glasses back on her face a smiling softly.

"Strange person." James replied as Madam Rosmerta walked over to their table, placing Cassies pumpkin juice down in front of her and James warm butterbeer down infront of him.

"Thank you." The two said at the same time as the woman walked away, laughing when she had gone.

"Okay, so what is your favourite drink?" James asked, watching with a small smile as Cassie pulled his drink towards her, placing her hands either side of the mug trying to keep warm.

"Kreacher makes this smoothie. I think it's banana and strawberries, with milk?" Cassie smiled.

James heart seemed to swell as he watched her, her nose rather red from the cold and the top of her cheeks rosy. When talking about the smoothie, her eyes seemed to light up, covering up the pain that they held for so long.

Making James wish he could remove the pain forever. James wished he could make her smile everyday, ways keeping that happy glint in her eyes.

"I honestly don't remember whats in it, he stopped making it for us after we had our first year at Hogwarts. Mother and father banned him from doing it."

James frowned slightly, before smiling. James had an idea, but right now it could wait.

Cassie didn't know where the time went, one minute her and James were talking about their favourite drinks, and the next they were laughing loudly as they watched people in Hogsmeade slip over the mud.

Cassie let out a breath as she and James finally stopped laughing, after what seemed like hours. They paid for their drinks, Cassie quickly slipping Madam Rosmerta the money for her pumpkin juice causing James to chase her out of the pub and into the street.

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