"Then you're fine baby. It's okay," she says rubbing my back

"I'm scared for tomorrow,"

"You don't have to play Lex,"

"But I do mom,"

Cheryl walks in with Mateo and he grabs for me.

"Hey buddy,"

"Are we talking about the picture?"

I nod and shrug.

"She was hurt and slut shamed and scared about her game," Toni says "and late,"

"But not.."

Toni nods and keeps rubbing my shoulder

"Can I not play mama?"

"Sure baby, I'll play AJ,"

We sit there for a bit and I sigh

"I owe Hudson an explanation," I sigh "do you guys mind if I head out?"

"Of course not," Cheryl says taking Mateo back

I change into something more comfortable and drive to Hudson's house.

I knock and he answers.

"I owe you a dinner.. are you free?"

"Yeah I am," he nods

We go to my car and drive in silence.

"So.." I say sitting down "I'm sorry,"

"Babe, I just wanna know why,"

"I'm late," I whisper


"I've never had sex Huds,"

"Okay, so.."

"I was attacked on my way home by the guys on the team we play tomorrow," I say starting to cry again


"They hit me and harassed me and I was scared and stupid and... I'm sorry,"

"Oh babygirl," he says hugging me "it's okay, I wish you could've told me,"

"I'm not playing tomorrow,"


"I'm scared,"

He nods and kisses my head.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, as long as you're okay,"

We eat and I start feeling a lot better.

Until they walk in.

"Topaz.. gaining some weight huh?"

"Yeah the sluts not gunna be able to get down the field," another laughs

Hudson gets up, grabs him by the collar and pins him against the wall.

"Say that one more time I dare you,"

"Your girlfriend is a fat cow,"

Hudson goes to punch him and I grab his hand

"Huds please don't," I whisper "they're recording and they'll tell the press,"


"C'mon let's go watch a movie or something okay?"

"If you come within 10 feet of my girlfriend I'll knock you into next year,"

The guy nods and Hudson drops him.

"Let's go baby,"

We get to my car and he sighs

"Thank you for not letting me punch him," he laughs "coach would kill me,"

I kiss him and smile

"Coming home with me?"


We drive home and watch a movie.

Hopefully tomorrow the boys can win the game.


I'm sitting in the stands with my mom, siblings, and Hudson when the game starts.

"I should be playing," I mumble

"Lex, it's better for you to be up here," Cheryl says handing me Maté

I nod and we watch the first quarter and we're losing.

"Take him," I say giving Mateo to Cheryl


"I need to play mom. LJ sucks,"

She lets me go and I go to the changeroom area


"Mama, let me play okay? LJ sucks ass and I want to go to Nationals,"

"I'm not.."

"You can't stop me- Reggie rostered me,"

I go in the room and start getting dressed.

"Lex, is this a good idea?" TJ asks

"Shove it Tony," I sigh "I'll be fine,"


"If one more person says something to me I'll make sure you don't play another minute- clear?"

"Clear," they say throwing their hands up

I get dressed and go out for the half.


"Mom I'm.. okay, I'm okay?"

"Good luck honey,"

I nod and go out for my first snap.

"Got over your flu awful fast Topaz,"

"Shove it,"

I take the snap and run a perfect play until someone hits me far after the ball is gone.

"Shit," I groan rolling

"Lexi, are you okay?" AJ asks me


He hurt my shoulder again.

I play the rest of the game until the last play

Every slur, taunt, ass-grab, and we're only down by 2 points.

"Lex what are we doing?"

"I run you block,"

"You can barely run," TJ says

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Alexis don't tell your brother to shut the fuck up," my mom says through the radio

I roll my eyes and we break

I run and beat everyone but one of their tallest and biggest players.

I jump and flip over him into the end zone and everyone goes crazy!

Until someone plies me from behind.

He mutters something about my mom and I start seizing.


Black Leather Jackets: College BoundWhere stories live. Discover now