
Start from the beginning

James takes a shaky breath before looking back at Snape, his eyes meeting Snapes dark ones.

"He said, 'Your blood-traitor girlfriend is just as bad as you, infact, maybe I should inform her parents, they'd set her straight.'"

"You know we can't let him get away with that Cassie." Sirius added, looking at his sister with a sad look on his face. While Sirius didn't really know what she was going through at home, he knew it was worse than what he went through.

Sirius was worried about his sister, and he didn't want her to be in more trouble than she already was.

Cassie turned to look at Snape, a small frown on her face.

"What did I ever do to you?" She asked, taking a step closer to him, her voice dripping with venom as she spoke.

Snapes eyes widened as he looked at Lily for help, but the red-head just looked at him, a large frown on her face as she stared.

Cassie shook her head as she turned back to James, placing a hand on his arm yet again. His eyes softened as he looked at her, she had a small smile on her face, that instantly reassured him.

"James. Put him down." She said slowly, and James took a deep breath, before nodding. He muttured the counter-curse under his breath.

Snape fell to the ground with a small crash, his robes covering his head and his hair in his eyes.

Lily rushes forward to help him, but Snape only pushes her away, standing up by himself and pushing his hair out of his eyes, leaving a small trail of grease on his forehead, making it shiny as it reflected the sunlight.

"I don't need help from filthy mud-bloods like you." Snape spat, making everyone who was standing around them take in a short breath.

Lily stood up, throwing the books that she had picked up off the floor into Snapes arms.

"Fine," Lily said coolly, turning away from Snape. "I won't bother in the future. And I'd wash my pants if I were you Snivellus." Lily spat out the last part, and stormed off through the crowd, Alice running after her.

Cassie walked over to Snape, who stared down at her.

"The fuck-" She hits him with her bag.

"-is wrong-"she hits him again.

"-with you?" she hits him again.

Before dropping her bag and pulling out her wand.

The people surrounding them took a slight step back, knowing how scary Cassie could become from memories of people making fun of her in their second year.

"Densaugeo!" She exclaimed, watching happing as Snapes front teeth began to grow at an alarming rate, soon being down by his chin.

James and Sirius began to howl with laughter as they watched Snapes hands feel around his teeth, his eyes wide and filled with horror.

People around them also began to laugh as Snapes teeth soon grew past the top button of his shirt.

"Redactum Skullus!" She then yelled, everyone began to laugh even harder as Snapes head began to shrink, slowly at first but then speeding up at it became smaller.

Soon his front teeth were around five times the size of his head, and they were still growing. People couldn't help but laugh as they watched the dark-haired girl hex the boy.

Cassie takes another step forwards, and Snape takes a step back, one hand covering his teeth and the other hand touching his ever-shrinking head.

Cassie sticks out her bottom lip in a fake pout, her eyes wide as she looks at Snape. Who fell over onto the floor, making people laugh harder.

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