Chapter 98

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Everyone was starting to come to the church for the funeral. The whole hockey team was coming too for me. In another week, I'll be on a flight back to Tennessee. Almost everything is packed. I don't think this is a great plan. But I can't exactly stay here by myself. How am I gonna break it to Adam and Charlie? And the rest of the team?

"Hi Courtney." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Adam. I went over and hugged him. I let go of him. "How you feeling?" I shrugged.

"I've lost weight if that's good about the whole thing." I sighed.

"Courtney you need to eat. You'll get sick if you don't eat." Adam explained. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and hooked it around his arm. We started to walk around to everyone and welcome them. I saw Coach walk in. Adam and I walked over to him.

"Hi Courtney. I'm so sorry for your loss." Coach apologized quietly. He came over and hugged me. I hugged back, and I started to cry. Coach is like that dad I never had. He has just taken care of me so much. We let go.

"Coach, can I talk to you in private?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course."

"I'll go walk around." Adam said. Then, he left.

"Coach... I have to tell you something."

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"I'm moving back to Tennessee, but, I don't know how to break it to Adam." I said.

"Oh, uh... I don't know Court. Adam really likes you. And he's gonna be heartbroken." Coach stated.

"I know and I really like him. I just don't know how to break it to him." I said.

"Just need to tell him. You can't just ignore the whole thing." Coach explained. I nodded.

"Man, why does my parents have to do this to me?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's for the good of it all." I nodded.


"Hey Courtney." I heard someone say. I looked behind me and saw Ocean.

"Ocean?" I asked. I ran over to her and hugged her. "What are you doin' here?"

"You really thought I was gonna miss my step-cousins funeral?" She asked. I kind of smiled. "Anyway, I'm gonna perform a song today for Keith and I want you to come up with me." She said. I looked at her like she was crazy.


"You know the song Favorite Flowers?" She asked. I nodded. "Good. You're gonna come up with me and do the song." She demanded. I smiled.

"Okay. I'll do that." She smiled.

"Great. Okay, I'm gonna see Uncle Jay. What's your step-moms name?" She asked.

"Nicole." I said. She nodded, then walked away. Man, I hope this turns out okay.

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