Chapter 61

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I was waiting for Dwayne so we can start to work out in the gym. I have been to the gym a lot so I'm so used to working out. I was changing the channel on the tv. I saw Dwayne come in. He looked at me, then closed his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were putting on a shirt." Dwayne apologized. I looked down, then started to laugh.

"Oh, no Dwayne you can open your eyes." Dwayne kept them closed.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Dwayne asked nervously. I rolled my eyes, but I laughed though.

"No you don't have to wear a shirt with this." I finally explained. Dwayne opened his eyes.

"Oh, okay."

"Don't look down there though." I snapped. Dwayne looked up at me.


"It's fine. Let's start with cardio." I stated. We went to the treadmill. I started to set his up for him.

"You look really pretty in that." Dwayne implied. I looked at him.

"Thanks." I got off and started to set up mine. "Push start when you're ready." I pushed start on mine and started with a light jog.

"Can I take you to lunch one day?" Dwayne asked while pushing start.

"Look Dwayne, I'm flattered that you would like to do that for me, but I have a boyfriend." I said. Dwayne nodded. I saw Charlie come in.

"Hey guys." Charlie said with a laugh. I looked at him.

"Hey Charlie, here to exercise?" I asked.

"Yeah." Charlie sighed. He came to the treadmill next to mine and started to get set up. "Are you okay?" Charlie asked. I looked at him.

"Yeah, why?" I asked. He pushed start and started to jog.

"Because when you're depressed, you workout." Charlie replied. He's right. I looked straight, away from him.

"Keith's dyin'." I blurted. On the corner of my eye, I saw Charlie stop.


"So when do we go to lunch?" I asked trying to ignore his question.

"What did you say before that?" Charlie asked. I paused.

"Called my step-mom to check on them, said that Keith's dyin' and may not make it when I come back to Minnesota." I was trying my best not to cry.

"Why? Why is he dying?" Charlie asked with a lot of swords in his voice. I stopped as well, and I saw Dwayne stop too.

"Cancer. Brain cancer. Nothin' big, just never gonna see... My step-brother anymore." I blurted. I got off the treadmill and went out of the gym. Charlie and Dwayne came behind me.

"Woah, Courtney. You got to take it easy." Charlie said, trying to calm me down. I stopped and turned to him quickly.

"How can I do that, Charlie? I lost already two of my family members and I'm about to lose another one. I bonded with him for four years and we became closer then ever. You don't understand, Charlie." I blurted. Charlie started to shake his head.

"I do understand, I lost my dad to lung cancer after my mom got into a divorce with him. And Coach almost married her." Charlie explained. I shot him a confused look.

"Really?" I asked. Charlie nodded. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Anyway, I talked to him today and he sounds like he's dyin' so I lost all hope for him." I opened my eyes.

"Let's sit down Courtney." Charlie demanded.

"My gonna leave you two alone." Dwayne stated. Charlie and I sat down. I took off my glasses and wiped my eye as Dwayne left.

"Look Courtney, you can't lose hope on him. He's your brother and he needs you, Courtney. What did he say to you before you hung up?" Charlie asked.

"Good luck."

"See, he did give up hope with your games, you shouldn't give up on his battle." Charlie explained. He pushed my hair behind me ears. I nodded. He came closer to me and wiped my tears. I stared at him.

"I'm so freakin' thankful for you, Charlie." I said. Charlie smiled.

"Same here." Charlie said quietly. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. He leaned back. We just stared at each other. I think I'm starting to have a little bit of feelings for Charlie.

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