Chapter 32

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Today is the third championship game. I opened my locker. I put my bag down and took out my jersey. I put it on the bench and put on the padding on my shoulders. I got my jersey and put it on.

I put on the padding on my legs, then I got out my skates on. It was about twenty four more days until Christmas, and Dad and I haven't even set up for Christmas. It kind of sucked. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. "Hey Courtney." I looked up. It was Coach.

"Hey Coach. All ready for today." I stated. Coach nodded then smiled slightly. "What's wrong Coach?"

"Nothing," Coach sighed. "Just, you know, I have been thinking. After seeing you guys playing hockey and everything, and I miss playing hockey myself." I looked at Coach with shock.

"You played hockey before?" I asked. Coach nodded like everyone on the earth knew.

"Believe it or not, I used to be a Hawk." I looked at Coach wide eyed.

"Really? One, I remember when we first met you at the lake, you said that you hated hockey and kids." I said. We started laughing.

"Yes, I know, but I was just angry at Mr. Ducksworth and everything. So, I was in a bad mood. But yes, I was a Hawk when I was little." I nodded. "But, anyway, I'm gonna play hockey again, and try to get into the NHL." Coach said. I smiled.

"Really?! Congrats on that!" I yelled. Coach smiled.

"Thanks, Courtney."


I was on the bench. Charlie came next to me. "Nervous?" Charlie asked. I shook my head.

"Nah. If we lose, we lose. You know? I'm fine." I said. Charlie nodded.

"Yeah." The whole team was at the bench. The game should be starting at any second. I looked over at the Hawks at the bench. I finally found James. He was talking to Luke and Nick, but he didn't look happy. I saw the referee come over.

"You guys ready?" The referee asked.

"Yes, we are." Coach said proudly. The referee nodded.

"Good, get them on the ice." The referee demanded, then he skated away.

"Courtney, Jesse, Charlie, Adam, Connie, Les and Guy, come here, the rest, stay on the bench." Coach demanded. The six of us went to Coach real quick.

"Yeah Coach?" Charlie asked.

"Okay, we are gonna do the Flying V." Coach said. Coach has talked to us before about it, so we knew what he was talking about.

"Who's gonna lead?" Jesse asked.

"That sir, is going to be you." Coach said, putting his hand on Jesse's shoulder. Jesse smiled.

"Okay, Coach."

"Great, now get on the ice!" Coach yelled, letting go of Jesse. We all got out of the bench area and skated to out spots of the ice. Johnny came in front of me.

"Hey sweety pie." McGill said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, I was lying last night." I said. The referee came over and threw down the puck. I got it real quick and passed it to Charlie.

Charlie started to race down the ice. He got faster some how. I was behind him, just in case. Charlie got by the goal, lifted up his stick, and shot the puck, and he made it!


We were losing. 4-5. I got to center ice and Johnny came in front of me. We said nothing to each other.

The referee came over and threw down the puck and me and Johnny fought for the puck. I finally got it and passed it to Jesse. Time for the Flying V. He skated to the back of the goal.

"Come on guys!" Jesse yelled. The five of us got behind him. We left the back of the goal into a "V". Jesse had the puck. He passed it back to Charlie, then he passed it to me. I passed it to Guy, and so on.

We skated down the ice. We got to the goal. Adam had the puck. He passed it to Jesse. Jesse lifted up his stick. Fifteen more seconds. He brought down his stick and shot the puck. He made it! We scored! We all started to cheer and everything! We skated back to Coach.

"Great job guys!" Coach yelled. The referee came over.

"You guys get a free shot." The referee said, then he skated back. Coach looked at me.

"Courtney." Coach came onto the ice and grabbed my shoulders. "You are going to do this free shot. You can do it. I believe in you." He said.

I nodded. I went to the center ice. The puck was already there. I closed my eyes. When I opened it, the Hawks goalie was there. The ice rink fell silent.

I started to skate in circles to get speed. I kicked the puck to get it going. I came closer to the goalie. I moved the puck to the left, then the right, and back to the left in short movements, then, I shot the puck, and made it!

We won!

We are the champions! I heard everyone start to scream. Yes! The team jumped over and came to me and started I cheer around me, except for Les.

Because when he jumped off, his skate got caught on the wall and he fell on his face. But he got up and skated to us like nothing had happened. I started to laugh really hard. I was so happy. I saw James push through the cheering Ducks. He smiled.

"Congrats." James said. I smiled.

"Thanks." I said. James smirked back.

"Courtney.... Will you go out with me?"

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