Chapter 68

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We went to a pizzeria. Adam and I got a booth and sat down. Adam put his hand down, staring at the table. I looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Do you still love me?" Adam asked. He looked up at me.


"Do you still love me? Or do you love Charlie?" Adam asked.

"You know the answer to that." I said. Adam shook his head. "Adam, please tell me you know the answer." I begged. My eyes started to tear up.

"This time, I can't say." Adam sighed. I looked at him with shock.

"What? Adam, I can't believe you think I love Charlie when I love you." I said. He shrugged. The thing is, I kind of do like Charlie.

"I don't know. The way you look at Charlie and everything. I think you guys are meant to be together..." Adam voice started to trail off.

"What? No!" I yelled.

"Courtney, admit it! I just want you to be happy." Adam explained.

"And I am happy Adam!"

"I think you would be happier if we just..." Adam paused. I shook my head.

"Adam, do you wanna break up with me?" I asked.

"A little birdie told me if you love someone, you have to let them go." He said.

"Adam... That little birdie, was wrong. I love you too much to let you go." I snapped. Adam shrugged.

"I think it would be best for the both of us if we just, liked each other, like old times, but not date." Adam explained. "Maybe we're too young to date. You are already going through hard times back home. Maybe you just need to take a break from dating. Maybe later on we can date." He sighed. "Anyway, I have some problems at my house, too." He said while looking down at the table. I shot him a confused look.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"My parents are getting a divorce." Adam blurted. I just stared at him.

"I'm so sorry, Adam." I apologized. Adam shrugged. "Maybe.... Maybe it's a good thing if we take it slow." I said. He nodded. "But I still like you." I said. He smiled.

"I still like you too." Adam said with his cute smirk.

"So... Friends?" I asked. Adam nodded.

"Best friends."

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