Chapter 38

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About an hour later, we were at the airport. We already dropped off our bags, we were just heading over to the boarding. We start boarding the plane in about thirty minutes. I sat down next to Courtney.

She looked like she was going to go to sleep. I saw Dwayne come over and sit next to her. "You tired?" Dwayne asked as he started to move around in his seat. She yawned sleepily.

"Yeah. I should have took a nap before I came." She yawned again. They started to laugh.

"You can rest your head on my shoulder if you like." Dwayne insisted. She smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Why, thanks Dwayne. That's very sweet of you. But I'm goin' to go to sleep on the plane." She explained. He nodded.


We were starting to board the plane. Coach gave the lady all our tickets. After she rung them up, she handed them back so we can know were we are sitting.

We started to walk onto the plane. We passed the Captain of the plane. I started to search for my seat. "Adam, where you going?" Charlie asked. I looked at him.

"I'm finding my seat." I replied. I looked at him confused.

"Didn't you see your ticket?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, we're first class!" Connie exclaimed. I looked down at my ticket. It did say first class. I started at walk to the front of the plane. I finally found my seat. I sat down hoping Courtney could sit next to me. I looked over and she was sitting on the other side of the plane.

Dang it.

I saw Dwayne looking for his seat. He stopped right by Courtney. He went to the seat next to her and sat down. I sat there alone. Then, a really familiar girl came over.

"Excuse me." She said sweetly in a southern accent.

"Sorry." I moved my legs so she could get over and sit down. She looked really familiar, like I have seen her from somewhere.

She was really beautiful, too. Once she got into her seat, she looked at me. "Wait, aren't you Adam Banks?" She asked. I looked at her.

"Yeah." She smiled brightly.

"I'm a huge fan of yours. You're a great hockey player." She stated. She stuck out her hand. "My names Ocean, Ocean Jewell."

That's her name!

She is a huge country singer, youngest too. I'm a big fan of hers.

"I know you, I'm a huge fan of yours too." I shook her hand. "Why are you heading to California?"

"I'm goin' to see grandma, Paige Jewell, she was a huge singer back in the 60's. But that fame was passed down to me." She explained, then she sighed. "Yeah, just got off a plane from Oklahoma, my hometown, but it took me to the wrong state so I had to get another plane ride over to California. Why are you heading over there?"

"For some hockey games. We are now team USA. So we are going to Los Angles to play." She smiled.

"Hey, that's where I'm goin'! Maybe I can see you play a couple of games." Ocean said. I smiled.

"That would be pretty cool." She smiled even more. She bent down to her carry-on and started to go threw it to get something out.

She was so pretty. She had dirty blond, long hair, green eyes like Courtney's eyes, she was pretty tan, and she had the prettiest smile. Man, she was beautiful. I could help myself from staring. She looked at me.

"Do you need something?" She asked with a little giggle. I snapped out of it.

"No, sorry." I turned over and looked at Courtney. Ocean and Courtney kind of look... a like. Like they could be sisters. "Hey, I think my friend is a huge fan of yours, so can she meet you when we get off the plane?" I asked. Ocean smiled.

"Yeah, of course." She said. I smiled softly.


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