Chapter 80

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I was still on top of Courtney. We were just staring at each other. I snapped out of it and got up. I helped her up after. "Sorry." I apologized. Courtney smiled.

"For what?" Courtney asked. I smiled.


We were all in the locker room the next day. Everyone was getting ready except me. I was sitting on the bench trying to get my skates on. But it's kind of impossible to tie it with one hand. "I got it." I heard Courtney say. She bent down and tied the skates for me.

"Thanks so much, Courtney." I said. She smiled.

"Hey, you helped me. Many times." Courtney explained. I smiled. She went back to the bench and started to out on her shoulder pads and her jersey. "Man..." She said.

"What?" I asked. She looked at me.

"I wish we were still the Ducks." She sighed. I nodded.



"Line up for sprints!" Coach yelled. "Banks and Jane, light laps." He said. We nodded and started to do laps.

"You're lucky you don't have to get your gear on." Courtney said. I laughed.

"Yeah, but man, do I miss it." I said. Courtney nodded.

"Man, if I ever have kids, I'm puttin' 'em on the Ducks team." I smiled. Hopefully that's our kids when we get older. If I ever have a girl, I'm naming her Emily, and if it's a boy, Brandon. I really love those names. "What are you thinkin' of Adam?" Courtney asked. I looked at her.

"Oh, uh, just thinking of uh, if I ever have kids, what I would name them." I replied. Courtney smiled.

"What would you name them?" She asked.

"A girl, Emily, a boy, Brandon." I said. She smiled.

"If I ever have a girl, Sandy or Sheri, and a boy, Tyler or Nick." She stated. I smiled.

"I like those names." I said. She nodded.

"I like yours too." She said.

"Okay guys! Bring it in!" Coach yelled. We all went over and kneeled down. "Okay team, let's do some game practice. I want Jane, Conway, Les, Guy, Dwayne and Jesse on one team and Adam, Luis, Fulton, Ken, Dean and Connie one the other team. Goldberg on Janes teams and Julie on Banks team."

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