Chapter 70

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"Okay team, bring it in!" Coach yelled. We all came back to the bench. I switched hands for holding my stick. Ever since that guy smashed the hockey stick on my wrist, it's been hurting a lot. I think I broke it, but I don't want to tell Coach because he would have to get me out of the game and probably get James in. "Okay, I'm going to change up the spots. Courtney." He said. She looked up. "Stay." She nodded.

"I need Goldberg to stay too for goalie. Connie, Jesse, Charlie, and..." He paused. Please say me. "Dwayne. You guys go out first." Then, he told them their positions. "Okay, go out there guys! You got this!" He yelled. Courtney looked at me. Then, skated away. She got to center ice and a huge Iceland player came to center ice too. Courtney showed no fear. The referee came over and threw the puck down.

The Iceland player rammed Courtney. She kind of flew, then landed. I kind of got up to get that guy, but Coach put his hand on my shoulder and sat me back down. "This is why I kept you out of the same group of Courtney." He said.


"Watch." I looked back. Courtney got back up on her own, and played the game again like nothing happened. "Courtney can handle her own. She doesn't need you there twenty-four-seven. Yes, if it's bad, she'll need you. But if it's that, she can do it." Coach explained. I nodded. "Anyway, she's a hockey player, what do you expect?" Coach asked. We started to laugh. I saw Courtney trying to get the puck. She looked so little to the Iceland players.

Courtney finally got the puck and started to skate to the goal. She passed the puck to Charlie. Charlie got it and shot it to Connie. Then Connie skated closer to the goal. Then, she shot the puck to Jesse, the Jesse got the puck and shot it. Goal! They all went to Jesse and grouped hugged him. I think we can win this. Maybe.


We were in the locker room. Ocean and Jayson were doing their duet together. Luis was looking at the T.V. and was smiling like crazy because of Ocean. I walked over to him. "Hey man." I said. He looked at me.

"Hey." Luis said. We both looked at the T.V.

"You proud of her?" I asked. Luis smiled even more.

"More then ever. I never thought I would be dating Ocean. Man, I was so happy when she said yes when I asked her out." Luis said. He looked at me. "So how's you and Courtney?" He asked. I looked at her. She was cracking up talking to Connie and Julie. She looked at me. I smiled. She smiled at me, then she put her head down and started to blush.

"We're doing just fine."

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