Chapter 54

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Grandma sat down and I sat down in front of her. "Okay, when I was your age, I was a singer. I sang everywhere. I was in my tourbus and I was cuttin' through a little town in Oklahoma called Tulsa.

My bus broke down and there wasn't a hotel around for miles. I went to the nearest house and there was the nicest brothers lived in that house, uh, what were there names? Oh yeah, Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry.

Well, Ponyboy had a friend named Johnny. I had the biggest crush on him. I met Luke in school because of science project. Well, I can tell you now, he was a doll. He looked like that one kid you're always with." Grandma said.

"Adam?" I asked. Grandma smiled.

"Yes, Adam. Well, we went out one night for a movie date. Back in my day, we had drive in movies, and man, they were the best. Anyway, I found out he cheated on me and I dumped him. Then, I dated this other guy, James." Grandma said.

"Wait a minute, I dated a James. He broke up with me because of a fight." I pointed out.

"Well, kinda the same thing, James dumped me because he said that he had to move back to his home state, Texas, and then, I found out he lied about that. But I got back together with Luke, then he broke my heart again. So now I hate his guts." Grandma explained.

"Oh, wow." I sighed. Grandma nodded.

"Anyway, how was your life? How did you, um, meet Adam since I know you guys are datin'." Grandma asked. I laughed.

"Where do I begin?" I asked with a laugh. She laughed, too. "But I met him about four years ago from, well, you could say we really ran into each other. But yeah, I'm glad I'm datin' him. He's really sweet and protective over me." I said. Grandma nodded.

"Good, if he breaks your heart, tell me and I'll straighten his little butt." Grandma said. I started laughing. I saw Coach come over.

"Okay Courtney, get ready, were are going to practice."

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