"Our love is something that can't be destroyed."

"Right. You're right." It isn't like I can say that love can be destroyed instantly. It is hard giving up on someone you love dearly. 

"I am glad we met, Mari. If the Ark didn't prevent me from hurting you, I am sure I would have done something awful to you." We both know how true that is, so there is no denying it.

"I know. The Ark didn't want to harm me. The only time it has was when I was with Gai, but that was with my own body. It didn't use anyone else. I think the Ark did it to warn Gai."

"Yes, that is why the Ark did that. It may have hurt you, but it wasn't for you. It was strictly for Gai to be warned not to mess around." 

"I see." I nod. "That makes a ton of sense."

"Yes, it does."

"If I wasn't me, would you love me?" I want to know how he would feel about me if I wasn't the Mari he knew. 

"Of course." He nods. "If you were a Humagear, I would love you still. I don't see why I wouldn't love you as a Humagear." 

I smile. "I'm glad to hear that." I know that Aruto will respond like that if I ask that. I'm sure I've asked him stuff like that multiple times. 

"Jin might wake up soon," Horobi comments, bringing up his son. Oh, that's right! Jin is bound to wake up at any given moment!

"I think we should embrace if he will wake any moment. I don't want him to feel embarrassed." Does Jin ever get embarrassed by anything I do with Horobi in front of him? He usually just looks really happy.

He nods his head. "I think that is a good idea. I don't want Jin to think that we want to leave him out of things. He has to be in the loop going forward."

"Just so you know, Horobi, I won't be happy if you do something like this again. I do not want to have my hand forced in that kind of situation again. If I want to go with you, it better be because I want to go with you. Don't bring Jin into our issues again." 

"I won't force you to come to me ever again." He pulls back, staring at me softly. "I promise not to."

"Good. Now, I'm going to wait beside Jin. You can go and do whatever you need to do, alright?" I am going to make sure he's charging up all good and then focus on Horobi.

"Sounds good."

I'm glad we're in agreement. "You should go and do whatever you need to do now. I will go and check on our son." 

Horobi releases me and turns away, facing the exit of the room we're in. "I will check on you two soon. I am going to start making preparations. Do not stop me from doing so. I do not want to be the enemy here."

"You know I can't make any promises." I look away and nod. "Do as you want for now. If I have to clean up after you, I will do so when it is the time to do so." I need to see what condition Jin is in right now.

Horobi nods and moves forward, leaving me alone in the room.

I turn to where Jin is and rush over to him, putting my hand on his face softly. I turn his head a bit and look him over, my eyes looking over his slightly dirty face. He has went through a lot lately. I wonder how much suffering he's going to be put through in order to bring Horobi into the light.

"Jin, I'm here for you," I say, bringing my other hand to his face and touching it gently. "Mommy is here for you whenever you need her to be. I know you're resting now, but I still want to speak with you and be by you."

I've seen this Humagear grow into a wonderful Humagear adult. He went from a child to a twenty-something year old real quick. I'm so proud of Jin because he marches to the beat of his own drum. He's doing what he thinks is right and I couldn't be more proud of him.

"Thanks for sticking by your father and trying to teach him what a heart means." I lean forward and place my lips against his forehead gently. I pull back and smile. "I hope that we can spend more time together moving forward without all this stuff going on. It would be a nice change of pace."

I hope that I can explain things to him one day. I have a lot to fill him in on, but it isn't the time right now. If I tell him about how I was with Aruto, it might ruin their bond. It is best to leave it be. I want to be honest with him, but I cannot do that at this time. One day, I will. I promise.

"Sleep well." 

I am going to go and rest up as well.

A/n: This chapter was way longer before, but I cut it down before posting it. I changed it up to be way different (I won't say what originally was going on because it isn't that important and doesn't really change the chapter all that much). 

Mari and Jin <3 Family despite not being related at all. I love that she adores him and wants the best for him. Of course, she needs to be honest with him doesn't she? I think we'll see what happens with that eventually. Also, Mari won't be staying there for the rest of the chapters. We have a lot going on in the last twenty something chapters. :)

Thank you for reading and see you soon!

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