-Chapter 183

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-Chapter 183: He's Unworthy

I look around at the dark landscape as thunders sounds in the background.


I turn, my eyes landing on a familiar figure. "You..." 

"How could you take his side after he killed me?" Izu asks me, staring at me coldly with her half destroyed face.

Izu's eyes burn as they stay on me, full of rage. Blood drips down the broken side of her face, going to the ground beneath our feet. She's not overheating. She's not like how she was. 

"You should know why she did that," a cold voice states and I turn my head a bit, my eyes landing on the spot next to Izu. 

"She is taking my side because I'm right about everything. Humanity is full of malice. Mari is also full of malice," Horobi says, popping up beside Izu. She turns to face him, her face looking a bit stiff. "Do you think you're allowed to question her? She's going to kill Aruto and put an end to the Ark for good."

Izu tilts her head a bit. "Kill President Aruto? She won't be able to do so. Mari doesn't hate Aruto. She isn't full of malice. In order to be able to do so, she would need to have malice in her heart."

"Mari hates Aruto because he took something away from her. He also took something away from me. She is oozing in malice right now."

I look down, shaking my head. "I'm not going to kill anyone. I won't kill anyone!" I shout. I can't take a life unless I have to.

"Mari, you have to kill him for killing our son. It is the only thing we can do to save his soul," Horobi points out. "Or are you going to let him walk all over all of us? Izu knows he is doing that right now. He's been seduced by the darkness in his human heart."

"Mari is going to kill President Aruto?"

I look up at Izu as her eyes turn red. "I won't!" I shout.

Her lips twist upwards. "According to my data, it shows that you will."

"No!" I shake my head. "I won't..." I can't do that to him.

Horobi steps forward and shoves his hand into my chest. He pulls his hand back and holds up something black, dark liquid dripping down his hand. His eyes stare at it, shining like a light in the darkness, as his lips twist upwards.

"She is drenched in malice."

"She really is drenched in it," Izu comments, sounding impressed. "Maybe you're right after all. Maybe she will kill him."

"I won't!" 

I sit up in my bed and look around my room as sweats goes down my back from my neck.

Right. I'm in Gai's home now and in my old room there. I nearly forgot that I got here thanks to my awful dream about Horobi and Izu. 

I think I need to go and see Horobi right now. I think that is what the dream was telling me to do. He's in need of someone and I'm that someone he needs right now. I can't leave him alone at this moment.

"I see that you're up. Before you head out, Mari, you need to have something to eat and drink. You're not allowed to go out without anything in your stomach. Also, make sure to wash up," Gai's voice says and I look over at the doorway. When did he get there?

"I thought you said no spying."

"I wasn't spying on you. I came in because I knew you were going to wake up about this time. I've had food delivered and it is ready for you to eat it. You have to put something into your body. You can't just not eat something, Mari." 

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