-Chapter 122

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-Chapter 122: Believe in Me and Know My Faults

"I'm going to be saving HumaGears with my new company," Aruto informs me, sliding forward the bowl full of ramen he got earlier. He decided to bring me home something to eat, which is nice.

Aruto is going to be saving HumaGears? That is nice of him to do. He is one of the only people who truly believe in them in this world. There are not many people who believe in HumaGears like we do. 

"That sounds wonderful." I smile, taking the bowl that he is sliding. "HumaGears should be able to dream like everyone else does. They have their own thoughts and feelings, which people tend to ignore. I am glad you see them as individuals."

"Has Gai tried contacting you?" Aruto asks me, changing the subject. He's been worried about that since I got here, but I don't think it is that big of a problem right now. Gai can suck it.

I shake my head and smile a bit wider. "The good news is that he hasn't. I do not wish to speak to him right now. There isn't much we can talk about other than getting a divorce. I want to leave the marriage as soon as possible so I can marry someone who is worth being married to." I look him in the eyes and he looks down, nodding as a smile grows on his face.

Aruto is the kind of a guy a woman should marry. They shouldn't be talked into a marriage at all by someone who only wants to use them. They also shouldn't let wealth do the talking. While I never chased wealth, I did like how comfortable it could make me. However, that didn't last too long.

"That's good. Uh...so you're still their Kamen Rider, right? You know, Halo Horizons' Kamen Rider."

"For now." That could change if Gai wills it, but he did give me control over what is done. That means that Rei can do what he wants there as long as it doesn't go against what the heads of ZAIA want.

"That is good, I guess. I am worried though."

"I always worry about being a Kamen Rider, but it was my decision. I may have been guided into my role as one, but I did decide to do it. No one forced my hand to become one."

"And Kairi?"

I drop my smile. "I transferred her ownership to Isamu earlier. It was done verbally, but Kairi will respect. Isamu has all of her things anyway. He's been taking good care of her despite not really liking HumaGears all that much."

"He will find good use for her, I'm sure of it. I am sorry that you had to give her up in order to keep her safe."

"Isamu keeps tabs on A.I.M.S., which is needed right now, and I'm grateful to him for doing so. I only want Kairi to be safe. I'm sure everyone who truly cares for me respect my decision on keeping her at his side for now."

Aruto nods his head, definitely understanding why I am giving Kairi over to Isamu. "I understand you, Mari."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I look down. "My phone is going off?" I don't think anyone needs to contact me right now. I told Isamu he's allowed to start bothering me in person when he needs something from me. 

"You should check it. It could be something important," Aruto tells me, giving me permission to let my phone interrupt our important conversation. 

I look up at him and nod my head. "Alright, thanks." I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, my eyes going down to the screen. "It is Gai." 

"You should see what he wants," Aruto says. "I know I don't like him, but he's still your husband and you two have to face each other eventually. I just don't want you to do it when you're alone and not with me."

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