-Chapter 168

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-Chapter 168: Its Frightening, The You Who Follows Me

The ceiling falls down and I jump back, staring at the mess in front of me as Rairk looks up. 

His eyes are on Aruto and that means certain doom. He's going to hurt Aruto isn't he? Why would he want to do that? I get he's the Ark, but come on! Aruto can't hurt him in his current state. 

"The outcome is already clear to me," Rairk says, eyes still right on Aruto and Jin. I nearly forgot Jin was here.

"Ark..." I don't know what to think by seeing Raiden like this. He's so scary when the Ark controls him.

"Aruto Hiden, your dream will never come to life," Rairk states, saying it like it is fact. "Transform." He moves his hand down and activates his transformation and Aruto turns to me.

"Mari, you have to go now," he orders, sounding concerned about my well-being. "Head to Hiden Intelligence."

I shake my head. "No, I can't!"

Jin jumps forward, already transformed, and Rairk dodges. He knocks Jin back and Jin moans in pain as his back his a table. Rairk grabs him and tosses him into a wall, doing more damage.

"Aruto, destroying you will bring about the destruction of humanity," Rairk says, sounding happy about his dream to end humanity. Yeah, I don't think that is a good idea for all kinds of reasons.

Jin places his hand on Aruto's shoulder and looks at him. "If you can't transform, you need to get out of here! Mari, that means you too! You cannot take on the Ark because it'll control you!" Yeah, I'm aware of that.

He shoves Aruto back and charges at the Ark. The Ark moves out of the way, making Jin move by him, and I turn towards Aruto. So, what am I supposed to do here? Am I supposed to just standby and do nothing to help out?

I look back at the Ark hits Jin in the chest, sending him to the ground. He turns to Aruto and holds up his hand, making energy appear. Jin flies in the way of it and screams in pain. I duck down and close my eyes as something shakes the ground under my feet.

"Jin, are you alright?" Aruto asks and I open my eyes.

I stand up straight, my eyes looking around the building. Wait...it's gone! It is freaking gone and it isn't going to come back! The Ark has destroyed Aruto's company, which is still pretty dang new. How can it do that?

"All is going to as I predicted," the Ark states, satisfied with what is going on.

I look over as Jin turns to Aruto, no longer transformed. "Zero-One, run," Jin orders, wanting Aruto to get out of here. "Take Mari with you."

"No...I can't run. I refuse to," Aruto responds, looking up at the Ark. He lets go of Jin and stands up, standing as straight as possible in his injured state.

"That outcome was always clear to me," the Ark states, holding out his weapon at Aruto and firing.

"Aruto!" I shout as he falls to the ground, fatally wounded.

"Zero-One!" Jin screams as a pair of arms go around me. "Mari!"

Aruto is dead. Aruto is dead and gone and he's not going to come back. He didn't back down and he didn't listen to me. This is why this has happened. Aruto had to go and do that. Aruto, why?

"Horobi, take Mari back to the base," the Ark orders and I feel the pair of arms pick me up, holding me bridal style.

I turn my head as Horobi stares down at me, eyes not that cold. "We're getting you out of here before humanity's extinction occurs."

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