-Chapter 154

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-Chapter 154: Maybe It's the Wrong Choice

"I don't know if it is just me or not, but it seems like the members of Metsuboujinrai are acting like mindless zombies," I say, speaking what is on my mind aloud. "The only one that is functioning as normal is Jin."

Jin isn't being a mindless zombie due to the fact he's not in his original body. Someone built him his current body, which makes him immune to mind control by the Ark due to it not being original. I know the Ark didn't take all of Horobi's feelings away, but he's not the Horobi that was there not long ago. The Ark wants him to willingly follow what it says and have no protesting. Horobi, what he was before this Ark thing, was starting to break free of the control it had over him. 

Nina nods her head. "That makes sense that they're being like that. My guess is that their data got taken from them and sort of wiped. While they remember things that happened before, it is faint. The Ark doesn't want them to resist its control because with free will, they will."

"Why are you so concerned about them? Aren't they terrorist?" Rei asks curiously.

"Mari was close to two of them. Horobi is the one she's closest to," Nina answers. "You remember the news report that got leaked out right? Mari was working with them because she was forced to."

"Horobi? Ah, right." Rei nods his head and picks up a paper. "He probably got his singularity data taken from him. That is the one thing I can think of happening to a Humagear like him when in contact with the Ark."

"But why would the Ark decide to do that when he's so loyal to the Ark?" I want to know what made the Ark do that to him.

"The Ark wants absolute control over them. Horobi must have been struggling with fulfilling his tasks by the Ark," Rei explains. "If he was starting to question things due to his singularity and him starting to understand humanity better, than the Ark would have no choice but to wipe out that side of him."

"Horobi..." I'm so worried about him right now.

I believe that Rei is right that he got wiped and restored to a point of where he can't resist the Ark. Sort of like what happened when Horobi put the Forceriser on Jin after he tried saving that Humagear so she could be with her dad. That makes complete sense. Horobi wouldn't let me go willingly. He's being forced to let me go.

"You shouldn't worry too much about him. As long as he follows the Ark, he'll be safe. The Ark won't harm him."

I look Rei in the eyes. "Do you really think the Ark would hurt him if he disobeys it?"

"Yeah, of course. Horobi has to follow what the Ark wants or else," Rei responds, answering my question. "If he doesn't, the Ark will do something that Horobi doesn't want the Ark to do."

"I think it is great that you're concerned about them. It shows that you're able to bond with anything and everything. That's admirable," Nina says and I look over at her as she smiles happily.

"It isn't admirable. It is unusual."

"I think it is admirable."

"I just want to save Horobi." He's important to me. "I just really want to keep him from falling to the Ark. The Ark doesn't have his best interest at heart." And I don't know how I can make him see that.

I don't really want to get into the specifics of my relationship with them, so I won't. Horobi just needs saving is all. They don't need all the details since it isn't important at all for them to know it.

"You want to save the terrorist that made your life hell?" Rei asks me, sounding absolutely confused about what I want to do. "Didn't you fear for your life whenever he would bother you?" 

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