-Chapter 141

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-Chapter 141: We Shouldn't be Afraid We'll Miss Out on Something

I stare at Aruto as he looks down at the cup of tea in front of him. He hasn't looked at me since I got home. Did I do something to upset him? Was it me checking on Horobi? I know I said I wouldn't run to him, but that wasn't running exactly. I went to see if he had any damage to his being.

"I think we should break up," Aruto states, finally speaking. The last he spoke to me was thirty minutes ago when he said he wanted to have some tea and talk.

My heart sinks. "Break up? Why?" I shake my head. 

No, I don't want to break up with him! Why do we even need to break up? Our relationship is going strong isn't it? What could make him want to possibly break up with all of this? I'm a good girlfriend to him aren't I? 

"I think it is in our best interest to take a break from each other. Maybe we jumped into things too soon," Aruto tells me, answering my question. "I'm not trying to blame you for us jumping into things. I obviously had a part in our relationship starting too soon." 

He thinks he hopped into a relationship way too soon? It took us so long to realize we mutually liked each other and that Gai was in the way. There is no one else that can possibly be in the way of our happiness.

"I don't get it," I say, my heart slowly pounding with dread. "What are you trying to say to me?" This isn't...is it? 


"This is about Horobi?" I can't believe that he is even concerned about that HumaGear right now! "I just checked on him and nothing more. Nothing happened between us when I was with him and Jin at their base. It was just a friendship thing and nothing more." I am just concerned about Horobi and his safety. It means nothing. 

Aruto nods his head. "I am aware that nothing happened, but it could happen down the road. If I keep on ignoring the elephant in the room, nothing will be proper between us. We have to deal with this now or else we'll both end up getting hurt."

"Horobi is developing his own will, but that isn't bad news for us. Horobi isn't into me and he never will be."

"It has everything to do with us."

"Why can't you see that I only want to be with you? Why does Horobi starting to have feelings have to do with us?" I ask Aruto as my face and eyes burn. I don't understand why he has to do this.

"I think you don't know who you want yet. You seem attached to the past and I think I should allow you to understand your feelings towards Horobi now that he is evolving emotionally."

"Singularity..." His singularity is causing Aruto to doubt my feelings. "Right...I should allow this." Even though I don't want to.

"I know it is painful to end things with each other, but I think we both know you need to figure out how you truly feel right now. If you can't move on from Horobi, then we shouldn't be together. I don't want to stand in your way of happiness."

I can't believe that Horobi is the person responsible for a break up without trying to be. He doesn't know that I'm with Aruto at all and yet this is happening. This is all because he is starting to show signs of being his own person and not someone who belongs to the Ark. 

"I understand..." I don't want to lose Aruto over a HumaGear that I once loved so much.

"I love you a lot," he tells me. "Mari, I really do, but if you two want each other...I..."

"You don't want to be in the way of our happiness at all and want us to find love with each other in that case. I get it." I guess I'm going to need to leave this place for a bit. "I'm sorry for causing any issues between us. This is my fault."

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