-Chapter 95

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-Chapter 95: I Live This Life

"Are you sure you want to hand over Halo Horizons over to me?" Rei asks me, sounding unsure of my decision.

Gai gave me complete control over what goes on here at Halo Horizons. I approve of the projects and other things around here. He told me I could do what he wants while he provides funding and what not to us. It was his mistake to trust me in that.

"I already have," I answer, staring at my notice I sent to one of the many news places here in Japan. I'm going to topple Gai over and ruin his entire life for ruining my entire life. But first, I have to deal with what is going on in my head.

It turns out I had all my keys on me. Well, I did have them all me before that thing happened. I wanted to kill Aruto when I lost control. Why would I want to kill the man I love and go on with my life?

"Is something going on with you that I should know about?" Rei questions, still being curious about what is going on, and I shake my head. "Then what is bothering you to make this decision. I can't run this place as well as you can."

I was going on about the will of the Ark. But my chip is fine and I've looked at the data again. There are no signs of hacking anywhere. The Ark isn't hooked up to my chip at all and I'm so confused at what is going on with me. What else could it be if the Ark isn't the one doing it? Maybe something hacking it and making it seem like the Ark is doing it? I am just so uncertain of it.

I've looked into all the data ever since I got away from Yua and Gai. I have to make this all quick. I've already done the best part by posing as Kiyoko again. If I end up in the custody of A.I.M.S., I can prevent anymore trouble from me somehow getting my keys back. I won't be able to get out unless someone helps, which no one can. Naki may be out there, but Naki won't do anything to help me at all.

"Does your husband know about this?"

"He is aware of the plans of changing hands," I lie. I have to do this behind his back or else he'll stop me from being able to do this. I can't allow him to let me be a danger to society any longer.

"I see. Well, thank you for telling me about this before going off to see him."

"No problem."

"I'll see you later then, right?"

I nod. "Right," I answer, lying. I am not going to be coming back here ever again.

I posted all about me being a member of MetsubouJinrai member. Of course, I had to post evidence. I used a picture of me and Horobi for it, which was hard to even find. It isn't like I had many chances to get him to let me do that with him. I hate how this has to be, but I feel dangerous.

"Take care. I'll leave you to your office to clean out at some point. Take your time," Rei says. "You're like family to us."

"Thanks." I turn to the door. "I'll be back for my things later."

I'll have to do that eventually. I'm sure I'll end up back home due to bail, but I can't be certain. I'm going to be a flight risk if that happens and they know Gai is loaded. So, they will want to keep me locked up.

"Alright, see you."

I am going to head to the place I told the person at the news place that a big scoop will be waiting for them at and that is ZAIA.


I enter Gai's office and he stands up, looking me over. He hasn't seen me since the other day. I spent the night at some hotel and used cash to do so. He couldn't find me either due to my chip apparently going down for a moment or two due to a system problem. Maybe that is why the chip acted up, but I can't be too sure.

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