-Chapter 58

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-Chapter 58: Strangled Love

Gai looks around the room, staring at all the white walls. "This will do boys," he says, talking to the people who dragged me here. "I think she needs to sort some stuff out inside of her. I'm finding this new her troubling." Liar!

All I can hear in my head right now is what he told Aruto and Aruto screaming for me as Gai guided me away from him. I thought so wrong about all of this. What have I just gotten into? What did I walk into just by existing in the first place?

"Why are you doing this to me?" I have to know the answer. "I don't understand why you're dragging me off here at all besides what I found out. We can work through this instead and come up with some solution to our problem." I am going to start this out playing nice and if he doesn't want to be nice, I'll get mean.

All I did was overhear what he told Aruto outside that competition place after a battle. He told Aruto that he picked out my face for me so he could get me later. Okay, I watched their battle. So, I didn't decide my own face? Is that even true?

He acted like he was fine the moment he walked towards me and it seemed like he was just going to take me home. However, that isn't what happened. He made sure that Aruto wouldn't see him have me dragged off to this place. I wish he didn't scream. Why did he have to scream my name like I am the only thing that truly mattered to him at that time?

"Can I have a moment with her alone. She's a bit tied up don't you think?" Gai smirks, looking satisfied with himself. He's really going to lock me up in here?

The guys who dragged me in here turn, leaving to the room together, and leave us behind. They are going to listen to him right now? But I'm not crazy! This love of ours is strangling me. It is like his hand is around my neck and his eyes are always on me. 

"Why are you doing this to me right now if you love me?" I ask him, straightening myself out. 

How did I manage to get myself in this position? How do I keep ending up in such bad positions in my lifetime? Am I cursed? No, this has to do with Gai only. Or Aruto. Aruto seems like the kind of person who attracts bad crap due to his positive energy. It is like life is trying to tell him to be less positive and more serious.

Gai smiles, looking wicked. "Our marriage isn't one built on love, Mari. You married me to cover up your crimes you committed with MetsubouJinrai, remember? I married you for my image in public and to increase the love of my products. You get what you want and I get what I want. It is a win-win for the two of us, Mari. Don't you agree with this?" He's not wrong that our marriage isn't one of love. It is one that is built on convenience and nothing more. 

"I didn't mean to commit any crimes. You know they were blackmailing me, right?" My hands were tied. I could have sacrificed Kairi, but I couldn't let myself do that. "Do you think Horobi and Jin gave me much of a choice, Gai?"

"I'm the only one you could come to since I was the only one who could admit that I needed and wanted you. When I offered you what you liked, you immediately ditched the one you claimed to love. And look at how that turned out for you. He got destroyed." He's taunting me so hard right now and he's lucky I don't hit him in the nuts. How can he rub Horobi's death in like that?

"You bastard..." I pretty much hate this jerk.

He gets onto his knees and touches my face, looking me straight in the eyes. "I'm one thousand percent sure that you are going to like it here away from the real world. Horobi isn't someone you will see ever again and Jin is gone too. You have no one who truly cares for you since I manipulated them all. Horobi protecting you? That was all me." Asshole. Wait...he did that?

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