-Chapter 106

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-Chapter 106: Round and Round

**Contains spoilers for the show that are important. If you don't wish to be spoiled, don't read**

I stare at the HumaGear with white hair and lightbulb above his head. He's the one who knows about MetsubouJinrai and Daybreak? I wonder how much he knows about it and if he is a puppet for them. I didn't believe it when I was told to come here, but now I do.

"He's here to fix the connection to Zea," Aruto tells me. "Izu hasn't been able to connect with it since the other day." The other day? It seems like someone has done something to it to make sure that she couldn't do so, but why? Unless...it isn't for that reason and it is something sinister. But it can't be that...right? 

"We called you over so you wouldn't miss out on the details," Isamu tells me. "He told us that someone used a jammer to block the signal." So, someone used it to do something, huh? I knew that it had to be something that caused it intentionally.

"Why would someone want to do that? The only thing I can't think of is if they want to bust-"

"Horobi has been freed, Mari," Isamu states and I step back, gasping. 

He's free? Horobi is out there in the world right now and no one has found him yet? He's out there and no one can track him? How is that even possible? Do people not call in and say 'Hey, I see a man who looks weird' to A.I.M.S. or the police?

If he is free, he's going to head back to Daybreak and do something dangerous. He wants to reconnect with the Ark and eliminate all the humans. Of course, if that happens, I'll be the only human left alive. The Ark wants nothing bad to happen to me because I have a stupid chip in my head that gives it permission to keep me alive. I seriously hate Gai for doing that to me since I do not want to be the only human left alive if that happens. 

Isamu looks me in the eyes. "Mari, someone broke him out. Do you know who would have since you might have an idea." He's trying not to state the obvious and that is that he thinks I have something to do with it along with Naki. Naki is the one he should probably look for. 

I shake my head and I turn to the wall, placing my arms on it and leaning forward as my body shakes. "I don't know who could have done so. Anyone who would is gone or not near by at this time."

"Are you sure we should have invited her here?" Aruto asks Isamu, sounding worried. "She doesn't look so hot right now."

"She's just surprised he got out. It isn't anything serious," Isamu replies and I remove myself from the wall and turn to them. "Mari is going to be fine after we give her a few moments to recover from the shock." 

"I'll be fine. So, how is doing this sabotaging? Is it for sure MetsubouJinrai?" I have to know if it is them or not.

Izu looks at me, hands over her waist as usual, and looks me in the eyes. "It means that whoever broke out Horobi sabotaged the connection to Zea just so Horobi could avoid being detected." 

So, someone broke him out intentionally and did all of this just for that reason. But it is dangerous to have him walking around and I adore the guy. I just know that he is no good.

"Dr. Bot told us that none of them were made to be a terrorist either." Isamu looks over at Dr. Bot.

"Really?" I look over at the HumaGear. "How does he know that?"

"He wasn't made to be a terrorist at all. He was made to be a parent-type HumaGear," Dr. Bot states and I gasp, covering my mouth. "Why is she surprised by that? Is it that hard to imagine that he was like that before he got hacked?"

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