-Chapter 34

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**Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse in this chapter. If you can't read any mentions about it, please skip this chapter. There are no graphic descriptions of it though. Thanks**

-Chapter 34: What'cha Gonna Do

"I am sorry that you had to deal with that earlier, Mari," Gai apologizes, not sounding that sincere. I doubt he had no idea about Allen rushing over here to argue with him over the Abyss Project.

"I am sorry that you had to put up with him." I would feel sorry for myself, but I sort of bring it upon myself to deal with Allen. I didn't quit my job and I hardly ever truly hide from him when I'm doing my job.

"Tea?" He points down to the table between a few seats. "It is fresh and delicious. Besides, it will relax you and help you get settled in here for what I have to talk to you about." What does he want to talk about now? We just got done talking not too long ago about a ton of different things.

"Alright." I nod. "I will have some tea."

"I didn't put anything in it. Don't worry, I'll be a good boss to you. Was he hard to deal with?" Does he know more about me than he is letting on? Is here aware of Allen's hardcore abuse towards me?

I take a seat and lean forward, picking up a cup of tea as my purse hangs off my shoulder a bit. "He is somewhat difficult to work with. I don't have that many complaints about working under him."

He moves around the chair and sits down, sitting across from me. "I see. So, you didn't mind working for him despite being so on edge around him?"

"Ah..." I look down at the cup of tea. "How much do you know about me?"

"I am aware that he heavily abused you during your relationship with him. I saw the bruising and I helped you out. You probably thought I didn't know how bad it got, huh?"

I nod and bring the cup to my lips, taking a sip of the tea. This is so sweet tasting. How did he know I like sweet tea?

I swallow and look at him, staring in his dark eyes. "I'm fine with dealing with him."

"He violated you a lot and you still won't throw him completely under the bus. I admire you for that, Mari." He grins. "Now, I want to get to the point of this conversation, Mari. The reason I brought you back in here is to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" With me?

He nods his head as his watches glows, showing his company's logo. "I won't turn you over to A.I.M.S. and ruin your life if you come to work personally for me like how Yua does things for me. Also, there is something else I want to add into it, but it won't effect your livelihood." 

So, become his spy? On what? Aruto? Aruto hardly does anything that is interesting enough to be reported to him. Unless..he just wants me here only.

"What is it?" I put down the cup. "It sounds like it is something serious, Gai." I'll ignore the Yua like part.

"I have become aware of an issue that has to do with you personally," he states, getting to the point. "I got a hold of your medical records and saw that you're unable to currently have children on your own." How did he get a hold of that? Those are private!

"..." I think I know where this is going to go. He's trying to use his businessman super powers to get me to doing what he wants, right? 

Is this man someone I can trust? He doesn't seem all the trustworthy. He seems shady and manipulative, but like he is someone who will go through with his side of a deal. Will he backstab me though?

"And before I get into what I want to say, I want you to know that I don't intend to harm you. I do not wish to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. Your wellbeing is my top priority at this time and always will be."

Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें