-Chapter 169

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-Chapter 169: So Heavy On My Heart

"This is the new driver that we got from Zea. Zea awakened inside Izu, Mari," Aruto says, smiling happily. I would be happy too, but I'm worried about Jin right at this moment and I can't be happy if I don't know how my son is doing.

I look around and shrug. "I guess it is fine. Hey, do you know where Jin is? As his mother, I want to know what he is up to." And what goes on within him?

"Oh, he's upset that he got shoved by Horobi earlier. Horobi came in and told us that the Ark would come back soon. He also took off with Raiden," Aruto tells me, giving me some of the stuff I missed out on earlier. "You missed that all because of your work, which is very important stuff. You can't miss out on what goes on there because you're their Kamen Rider." 

"Horobi shoved Jin?" He doesn't mean any harm though. "Horobi didn't mean to do that. That is what the Ark wants him to do and he's following. Aruto, we need to make Horobi understand what his dream is. I believe in him." I don't want to tell him that Horobi is reaching singularity again.

I want Horobi to reach singularity because it is beautiful to be with him when he has achieved it. Our time together was beautiful. He didn't understand it all properly, but he was starting to and I was happy about that. I want him to understand love and to feel it. I want Horobi to be able to truly love me back.

"I heard Horobi went to Halo Horizons before coming here. Is that true?" Aruto asks me. He's ot going to promise me he'll wake him up? "Did he head there for any special reason?" 

I nod my head. "Allen spoke with him. He saw that my tracker stopped moving and wanted to make sure that I was alive still. It is against the Ark's will to let me die, so he wanted to be sure I didn't."

I am not going to cover up Horobi's visit because it did happen. I saw the video him showing up there and Allen wasn't wrong. Horobi stopped by and seemed to be checking on what was going on with me. Whether he did that of his own free will or not isn't something I know. I hope he did it willing, but I don't know.

"I see." He nods his head. "I guess he was checking to see on your condition. He did kidnap you that one day, so it makes sense for him to want to check on you. He's always in your business." 

"The Ark had him do it. Horobi wouldn't have done that to me unless he felt the need to. Right now he's unable to feel what he wants to feel because the Ark covers that up. Once he's free from the Ark, he'll be back to normal."

Aruto's lip curve upwards. "I hope that he can be free so he can freely try to reach his dream." So, he does share the same wish as I do about Horobi? This is great!

"I am sure he will do so." I wonder what kind of dream he will have this time. "Aruto, congratulations on making a new driver. I was worried that you wouldn't be able to do so. Things were starting to look really down for all of us." That simulation...it made me feel a lot of things.

"Thank you, Mari. Oh, perhaps we should celebrate later."

"I would, but I need to find Jin before I think about doing that kind of thing. I want to make sure that he's doing alright. You should go and do your daily things. We'll definitely meet up at some point today, alright?"

Aruto's smile drops a bit. "Oh, okay." I know I'm hurting him, but I am really concerned about Jin right now. "I hope you can find him and have a good talk with him."

"Alright. See you." I turn away from him and head towards the exit of the room we're in.

We're not at his company since that got destroyed by the Ark like how it did in the simulation. We're at a room in Hiden Intelligence because Gai wanted us to have a place to be able to talk freely. He's being pretty nice right now to us. I am grateful for his kindness since it seems genuine.

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