-Chapter 86

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-Chapter 86: Pieces

I stare at the monitor as it shows Gai with Allen and Elise. The way she looked at Gai makes me think she didn't see him as a business partner only. She wanted to be with Gai and was willing to die for his projects. I was doubtful about them actually being together for a moment, but I guess it is true that they were.

"You found that video I left out for you after all."

I look over as Gai places down a cup of tea in front of me, wearing a silk robe. "Yes, I found it and wanted to see it. It seems like Elise matched you very well compared to me," I tell him, my heart pounding hard.

It kind of hurts to see how she can just match everyone so well. I am a bit jealous of how she did things effortlessly most of the time. I think Aruto could even look good beside her. Honestly, she would match him perfectly as well. She looks good with anyone.

Elise was a good looking woman who had a lot of power it seems. Her connections must have been massive if she could get to know Gai personally and see Abyss. I kind of don't like her. She got everything she wanted while I got handed a bad hand. Things for her came to her so easily and I'm a bit jealous of it.

"Your appearances may have been similar, but how you carry yourself is different from how she carried herself. She was confident and had an arrogant air to herself. You show that you're putting up a front in order to keep people from seeing your lack of confidence. Do you want me to start letting you see someone to help you control your emotions? It must be hard for you to keep going on like nothing happened to you." Now he cares?

I look back at the monitor on my desk. "I had to see this video to see how you two were. The looks between you two may have no been obvious to Allen, but I can see how you two stared at each other. And yes, I do want to see someone so I can finally start repairing my heart." The looks they gave each other...they were in love weren't they? At least, she loved him at some point. 

"You should start sketching again. You have that over Elise," Gai tells me, sitting beside me in an empty chair. He moves closer and leans in a bit, his arm touching mine. "She had no artistic talent at all and was unable to do most of what you're capable of with ease. You're also good at giving someone what they want from you in the bedroom."

"I see." I am sure she had talent in a entirely different area.

"She was good at getting what she wanted. Also, she had bigger breasts than you," Gai stares and I turn my head to him, glaring. "I am just being honest with you. You're curious about her and I know you want to know about Elise. You two have similar body types, but not breasts sizes and voices." What else isn't similar about us? 

I nod and look at the cup of tea and place my hand on it, picking it up as the video ends. "Do you have any more discs I can watch to see more about her?"

"I do have more than that. I even recorded my first sexual encounter with her in order to hold it over her head. I wasn't going to let her ruin any of my business dealings," Gai answers, being honest with me. He really is a piece of work. "She knew how it would be and she didn't care."

"Did you record me and you?"

"I have no reason to record us having relations. Do you want me to do so?" His lips curve upwards a bit. "I can do so if you want me to. I wouldn't mind having that for you to watch." Now he's doing this to mess with me for asking a stupid question. 

"God, no!" I shake my head and take a sip of his tea he made me. I swallow it and put it down, sighing a bit. "I am worried about things between us due to your history with her. Are you sure you don't see me as being the same person as her?"

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