-Chapter 39

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-Chapter 39: Cover Me Up

I smooth out my red dress, which is pretty tight against my body and has long sleeves, and sigh. 

I'm outside of Aruto's office and I have to spend the day with him and Izu. I don't know what else is going to happen today, but I do know that is going to happen. I also hope I don't have winkles in my dress since that will look extremely bad.

I look at the door and it opens, revealing Aruto. "Oh, Mari? What brings you here? Did something happen?" Aruto asks me curious as Izu appears behind him.

I force a smile onto my face and look into his eyes. "Nothing has happened to bring me here. Is there a problem with me wanting to spend my day here and not in my boring office?" I need to be confident and like how I was when I first came here. I got this.

"No, it isn't a problem. I was about to head out and get something to eat. Did you want to join me and Izu in going to some place? We haven't decided where we're going, but maybe you can tag along anyway." Aruto smiles. "Oh, I love your hair. Did you pin it back like that yourself?"

"Oh, you noticed?" I can't believe he noticed. "I got up early this morning and styled it this way. I hope the curls are even looking despite all the highlights in them." I may go back to my brown hair since I kind of miss it.

"It is pretty noticeable on someone as fashionable as you are." He grins and he looks down. "Oh, those are some pretty sweet heels you're wearing. How do you manage to walk in them?"

"Fashion is pain at times," I state, forcing out a laugh. It really is pain at times though.

I can't be that happy right now. I'm here to watch him for Gai. I'm sure Yua has the same task as I do when she's around him and I'm not.

"If they start hurting you at all, I'll get you some new shoes to put on your feet. Those look a bit uncomfortable, but bold." He must think the matching red color to my dress really makes me look bold. "I don't know how you came to be so fashionable, but it is neat."

I look away, nodding as I smile. "It isn't an amazing story at all to hear about. Just know that one day I decided to dress this way because I liked it."

"President, it is time to get to lunch before you forget to eat. It is important that you eat and keep your energy up," Izu says, interrupting our conversation. "You can talk with Mari about her clothes later."

"Oh, I was just admiring her sense of style. Oh, your earrings are really pretty on you!" Aruto thinks I'm pretty? He wouldn't think so if he found out this face is fake and that I'm fake.

"Aruto, time to eat."

"I know, I know! Izu, sometimes you need to let people relax! It isn't that important to eat since today is an easy day of work!" Aruto exclaims and I look back at him as he turns to Izu. He is raising his arms above his head and stretching.

"Hey, where are you all going?" Isamu?

I turn, heels clicking against the floor, and look at him as he approaches us with Kairi at his side. I see that she's doing well. And he is dressing her properly, which is great. Actually, she is dressing herself but he picks the clothes out.

"I see that you're still using Kairi. Kairi, blink twice if he is holding you hostage," Aruto says.

"Hey, she's the one who does stuff for me willing!" Isamu exclaims. "Don't you think of taking the person who lets me be lazy. And she's the only HumaGear I view in a nice way besides Izu."

"Oh, I'm curious about something. Where's Wazu at?" I haven't heard anyone say anything about him. "Did something happen to him? Did he get hurt by that Assassin bot thing?"

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