-Chapter 8

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-Chapter 8: Poison

"Did anyone follow you here?" Horobi asks in his silky, too sexy for him voice. 

How did he end up with that voice? My guess and bet is luck. He's voice is husky and just plain silky to me. I like it. 

"No, not today," I answer. I checked today in order to make sure no stupid babysitters were following me around. "I made sure that no one followed me here. Also, I made sure to have my HumaGear follow A.I.M.S. around to make sure they didn't follow me at all." My voice is low and I sound embarrassed. Great. 

It is embarrassing that I allowed myself to get tailed. I'm lucky that she decided to not join me in heading into Daybreak. She probably just stood to the side and filmed me going into it. I'm not supposed to be in here, but I am. However, I do work where I work and it helps me with covering up my actions.

"Yua Yaiba of A.I.M.S. seems to be a thorn in your side. She has assumed that you're working with us and she's right on that. However, we can't have her think that you're working with us. I guess I should have you put into a situation that makes you look innocent."

"Jin should kidnap me," I suggest. "It is one way they will stop suspecting me of anything."

He turns a bit, looking up at me. "I think you're onto something," he replies, eyes blank. "Then we can make you look beat up and you tell them that you manage to break free from us. However, you're not allowed to mention me due to the fact they have no idea who I am yet exactly." They only know that video of him in Daybreak years ago.

"I think that is a good idea."

"You should consider not being a government lackey, Mari. With your skillset, I would allow you to be an official member of MetsubouJinrai. It would be simply be because you're so useful to us." Because I'm a spy, I know.

"I'm not a government lackey, Horobi," I tell him. "I am my own person and I decide what I want to do. Just like I'm following your orders by nearly all my free will." It isn't like I didn't have a choice in the matter. I agreed to let them have the information they want. I put it on a silver platter.

"Regardless of Halo Horizons being a joint project with a few organizations, you're still a government lackey."

"Whatever, Horobi. So, can I go now that I'm no longer needed here?" I ask. "I don't wish to stay here and accidentally hear something I don't want to hear. Let's say you're making a plan and I hear it, Horobi. What then?"

He looks away, smirking a little bit. "Interesting thing to ask me about, Mari. If you overhear our plan, it'll do nothing for you at all. What would you gain from hearing our plans? Would you tell on us and expose yourself as our agent?"

"I know I can't talk." I'm not a complete idiot. That would get me into serious trouble with everyone I know. 

"And if you do, I will end your HumaGear and your life with my own hands."

I shake my head. "I won't let you hurt her. Never."

"Chin up, Mari," he says softly. Is he messing with me right now? "You're someone who isn't going to betray the one with more power. I know how these things work, Mari. You're going to obey me regardless if you want to or not."

I tremble a bit. "Power?" He's right, I can't disobey him.

"What a weak heart you have," he states, looking at me. He has his stupid smirk still on his stupid handsome face. "Do I terrify you that much? Don't worry, Mari. You shouldn't be afraid of me as long as you're a good girl." The smirk drops.

Chills go down my spine. "I'm not afraid of you." I straighten up and take a deep breath. 

I exhale, trying to regain composure of myself. If he wasn't super serious, I think he would be smiling right now. Does he smile on the inside at all? He could be smiling on the inside right now and I just can't tell. 

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