-Chapter 187

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-Chapter 187: The Cycle Repeats in My Mind

"Jin!" I shout, sitting up as my heart starts pounding hard against my chest. That dream...it wasn't just a dream since it happened in real life.

"Mari, are you alright?"

I turn my head, my eyes landing on Horobi. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I can that you're not. What happened in it?" He's going to just be like that? Shouldn't he be off trying to get revenge for Jin's death?

"I just kept seeing him die over and over again, Horobi." I look away from him and swallow a bit. "It was awful seeing that again. I was useless in that moment. I just stood there and watched you nearly get destroyed."

"If you would have jumped in, you would have lost your baby," he says, reminding me of the most important thing for me right now. "I know I lost Jin, but that doesn't mean we should lose another thing."

"You're going to take that key from Azu aren't you?" I look back at him. "I know you will do it and I expect you to do so."

"What would do if you were me, Mari?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not you, so I don't know what I would do. I just know I wouldn't take it from her because I'm not the kind of person who wants to get revenge like that. It solves nothing in my opinion." I don't know everything that he has seen or heard, so I cannot determine what I would do in his shoes.

"Right. That is just like you to say that."

I move closer to him and put my arms around him, holding him gently in my arms. "If you want to get revenge and start war, that's not my problem really. I can't stop you, so I can't really focus on stopping what will happen. I'm useless again."

"You're not useless, Mari," Horobi says, placing a hand on my back and patting it gently. "You've taught me a lot and you're the reason why I have to do certain things. The same with Jin. He shouldn't have been killed by a human."

"He killed him twice."

"I am aware of that."

I know one should blame Horobi for this mess, but I see this all as the fault of Aruto and Azu. Both of them caused this mess by messing with someone they shouldn't have messed with. If you poke a bear with a stick, you should expect the bear to attack. Aruto messed with the wrong man.

"Do you hate him now?" Horobi asks me curiously.

"I don't hate Aruto, but I hate what he has become." He's a monster and he's refusing to take responsibility for his own actions. He's disgusting to me right now.

"Don't fall into malice, Mari."

"I won't become like him." I hope I don't become like him. I can't tell Horobi that my heart is oozing with malice right now since it'll make him upset. I don't need him becoming even more upset than he already is. 

Azu can't seduce me with her power and I won't fall for it. I won't let her seduce me at all with that power she has to offer me. This baby inside me is preventing me from going off the deep end.

"You're going to fine here, right?" Horobi asks me and I look around. "If not, I can find you a different place to stay at. Of course, it wouldn't be the base. That place is not safe for someone like you."

That base isn't safe because of the fact that Azu resides there and I'm sure Aruto goes in and out of there looking for Horobi now. If I were to go there, Aruto would think that I'm looking for him when I'm not. Yeah, I don't want to run into him right now.

"I see that you're still, Horobi," Gai comments and I look over at him as he enters the room with a cup of tea in his hands. "This is for you, Mari. You need to make sure that you're relaxed at all times and that your stomach doesn't turn too much."

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