-Chapter 190

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-Chapter 190: I Don't Want It to Stay

"You had a good time hanging out with your friend, Yaiba, today, right?" Gai asks me, putting his arms around me gently. His warms are so warm and comfortable and I wish I didn't have to leave them at some point. 

"She was fun to chat with about a few things. She asked me something about the current situation and so I have to ask you something now. What happens if Horobi dies?" What happens if I can't bring him back?

"If Horobi dies and can't be restored, I will take good care of you. I will be the father of your child and show them how to live life to the fullest," Gai answers, being honest with me about his plans for that possible future. "But don't worry, Horobi will be fine. I believe that Aruto will not kill him."

I wish I could share that view, but I just can. He brutally murdered Jin and didn't care. He is still out for revenge and won't let his heart be still. I'm going to make sure that he pays for what he did to my precious son I can't get back.

"Why do you think that? He took Izu from Aruto," I ask him. I don't understand why he thinks he'll end up sparing Horobi. 

"Aruto isn't someone who wants to kill someone. He may feel like doing so right now, but he won't do it. He will refuse to in the end. If he doesn't, we will have to come up with a backup plan."

"I see." 

He pulls back a bit and kisses my forehead gently. "You will see that everything will turn out just fine, Mari."

I look over as Elise forms, staring right at us, and I swallow.

Elise crosses her arms as she leans against the wall, a smirk growing on her beautiful face. She's judging me isn't she? She's judging me because she sees what is going on here. Gai can't see her, but that is because he's blind. Everyone is blind.

"You seem a bit tense right now. Do you need me to make you some tea to ease it?" Gai asks me and I look at him, staring into his dark eyes. He thinks that I am just tense? Nothing else? 

"No, I'm fine with you staying here with me right now." I put my hands on him and pull him closer to me. "Just stay right here with me for now. I need someone to keep me company at this time."

"Oh, alright." Gai places a hand on my back and touches it gently, patting it. My eyes flicker over to Elise as she stands there, judging us. "I won't make you tea right now. Do you need me to do anything else for you?"

"No, you're doing everything you can right now." If I tell him about her, he'll just put me back into that one place and I don't want to go back. "Gai, thank you."

"You don't need to thank me for being here for you right now, Mari. I'm always going to be around for you." He thinks that, but he isn't going to out live me. I'm younger and way healthier than he is at this point.

Elise looks away. "Aw, he's trying to be really romantic with you! He doesn't want this union to end." Elise isn't wrong about that at all since Gai wants to stay with me for a long time.

Gai is willing to let me go, but he's just not going to just yet. He will when the time comes. He will do the right thing and let me finally live my life. I can't wait to go and live my life without him at my side. I need the space after our marriage going up and down constantly.

"This is boring!" Elise exclaims, uncrossing her arms and moving away from the wall. She approaches us and stops beside us, looking us over. "You two are a good looking pair. It is unfortunate that you're just not a match personality wise."

I pull back from Gai a bit and look down. "Gai, I think I could use that tea right now." 

"Alright," he says. "I will go and prepare it. I'll be out of the room until it is ready for you to drink. Be careful, it'll be hot when it is in the cup."

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