-Chapter 20

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-Chapter 20: Theatre 

I put the special sunglasses on my face, which is going to record A.I.M.S. and Aruto battle a Magia today. Well, I'm a bit late to the party. But it is fine that I am. No one is going to care at all.

Yua isn't using her Kamen Rider stuff right now for some reason. She is kind of just there right now. Probably babysitting Isamu since he can't use a key without her being okay with it. I think she might join in soon, but we'll see.

Aruto moves forward, smacking the Magia. It goes backwards, stumbling towards Isamu, and Isamu moves out of the way. He turns, firing his weapon at it. Man, he's good with his aim! I wish I could be like that with a gun, but I'm not as skilled as he is. However, I'm not a bad shot.

The magia stumbles back more and Aruto jumps up, doing some kind of fancy looking flip. He lands on it, foot outwards. That's a kick! He just jumped into the sky and did a rider kick! Neat.

The magia explodes, sending flames and smoke up, and I nod my head. That seemed like it was a decent fight. Too bad that I missed most of it due to personal stuff.

I move forward, smiling. "Aruto!" I exclaim, waving at him. He looked so cool out there fighting like that. I can't wait to be allowed to fight again.

Aruto turns to me and waves, grinning as he moves towards me. He has already ended his transformation. He's not in his Kamen Rider gear anymore and is back to being his casual CEO/President self.

"Hey, what about the man who's busy handling your HumaGear? Aren't you going to greet me?" Isamu asks, sounding annoyed. He just wants attention and I shouldn't really give it to him, but I will since I'm nice.

I look at him and laugh a little. "Oh, I almost forgot about you! By the way, I'm kidding about that. I could never forget you, Fuwa." He's not an easy person to forget. He's rough all around.

"Of course you can't forget me. I'm awesome." He grins. "So, how's being with Allen going? Oh, did you do your hair?" A guy who can notice things like this does exist! Man, I was so wrong!

"Yeah, she did get her hair done now that I'm thinking about her old hair. It looks great," Aruto says, grinning. "You look great, Mari. Not like you don't always look great! You're the biggest fashionista we all know." I don't get why he is panicking over such a comment. I am glad that my hair looks great.

"Yeah, I did it not too long ago. Maybe a few hours ago," I tell him, smiling still. "Allen hasn't seen it yet, but I hope he likes it." He won't like it since it won't remind him of Elise at all.

"I hope he does like it."

I drop my smile. "So, is it really okay looking on me?"

"Looks great," Isamu answers. "Don't worry too much about how you look with it. All that should matter is if you like it."

"I do like it."

"Then everything is fine. How is the shoulder pain?" Isamu points at my shoulder. "You couldn't move it that well before."

I nod. "Ah, that? It's getting a lot better!" I have to lie about it. It still hurts like heck.

"You shouldn't be so careless in battle," Aruto tells me, trying to help me out. "You need to worry about yourself the most. If you can't fight that well, make sure you back out of it. I'll handle any fights you can't handle." He grins, looking absolutely happy with himself. He really does love helping people out.

"Ah, you would do that for me?" I smile. "Thanks, Aruto. You too, Isamu." They're good to me.

"Shouldn't you go home and see your husband?" Yua asks me, approaching us. What was she doing during that entire battle? Maybe...no, she can't be doing the same thing as I am. "Instead of fishing for compliments from these two, you should be seeking them from the man you apparently love."

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