-Chapter 192

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-Chapter 192: This is War

"This is such a beautiful battle ground isn't it?" Elise asks me as she puts her arms up in the air, stretching as the wind blows her hair around. She looks like a pop star right now with how she looks right now. 

Her outfit is different now and I'm sure it is because of what is going to happen soon. She's wearing a tight red dress that sparkles in the sunlight and red heels. Her makeup is dark around her eyes and her lips are bright red. She looks gorgeous, but sinister. How does she come up with these looks for these kinds of things? 

My eyes go to Aruto and Horobi as they pick up weapons that are all over the ground, sticking in it and waiting to be grabbed. I think Horobi's key did that. Aruto's key didn't do that earlier and I don't think it'll do it now. 

"They're battling now and it is your time to act," Elise tells me, holding up the box. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come with me like you're supposed to? Do not be useless, Mari. You're the one who made this." 

I made this? I am the one who made all of this happen didn't I? She's not wrong about it. I am the one who caused the problems so far. If I didn't mess around with the two of them, maybe something different would be happening right now. 


"We're going to head to the battle. Get in the car and start driving, Mari. I gave you a tiny break didn't I?"

"Maybe we should have stayed at home..." Gai is probably looking for me right at this time. There is no way that he isn't.

"Gai's probably at his office doing his job. We all know how he gets when it comes to his work. He's such an overachiever. Pathetic isn't it?" She looks away as she crosses her arms over her chest. "So, what is it going to be? Are you going to let him destroy everything or will you stop him before he gets to that point?" She's talking about Aruto right now.

"I...let's go..." 

She looks back at me, grinning. "That's my girl!"

Elise laughs. "Aruto is looking like a chump out there! Horobi looks so cool doesn't he? I wonder what he is going to think once you go to Aruto and stop him from doing anymore damage."

"Horobi has always looked cool," I mutter out. Not that Aruto doesn't look cool, but Zero-Two has a way better look to it than his current suit. The Ark's power doesn't look good on someone like him.

Aruto and Horobi swing at each other, their blades connecting and causing an explosion. They move back from each other and I swallow. They're pretty much equal. My guess is that Azu is hoping that it'll end up one sided at one point. How it will end up one sided is up in the air right now. Perhaps Aruto will just give up.

Horobi moves towards Aruto and puts his attache arrow up against his neck, probably exchanging some words with him. I guarantee that he's bringing up Jin right now. He wants to make Aruto know how bad he's suffering without Jin.

Aruto puts his hands on the arrow and Horobi swings him, making him stumble back. Horobi approaches him again and puts the weapon against Aruto. He pulls his hand back and fires at him, sending an arrow at Aruto. Aruto moves back and regains his composure. 

"Is there a way to see the battle better from here?" I ask Elise and I turn my head, staring at her. 

She nods her head. "You can go into your rider system with your belt on. Please put it on and view the battle footage that is currently being broadcast around the area," she answers. 

I reach into my purse and pull out my belt. I put it on my waist and touch it, activating it without the key. I close my eyes as I go into the satellite for Abyss. 

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