-Chapter 126

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-Chapter 126: Yours Thoughts, Your Feelings, Your Scars About me, All Guilty

"This is for you. I modified them to work without the chip," Allen states, pushing two things towards me. "I do not have your other keys, but I do have the Abyss one." Abyss key? What is that supposed to mean to me? 

"I don't know what these are for." I look down at the two items.

One looks like something you insert something in and the other looks like a keycard or something along those lines. Just something one scans. What are these things? What are they used for? 

"You're going to find out what they're for when the time is right. I would explain it to you, but you're capable of figuring it out on your own. I believe in you, Mari," he tells me, being sweet to me. Where was this treatment during our marriage?

"Ah, alright." I think I'll figure it out soon then. I'm not the brightest person in the world, but I'm not the stupidest.

"I have someone for you to meet." He turns a bit as someone approaches us.

"Someone to meet?" I stare at the person as they come to a complete stop.

"This is Jin," Allen says, introducing me to a man in a suit. He looks quite young, but not too young. He's at least somewhere near my age isn't he? "You knew him before you lost your memories."

"Jin?" I don't remember a Jin being in my life. "Sorry, I don't recall anyone named Jin being in my life. I am sorry for not remembering you, but I am sure I can try to remember you somehow." It might take me a bit to do so though. 

"I know you lost your memories," Jin says, stepping closer to me. "Horobi told me about it. I was surprised to hear that you did, but then I heard how it happened. After that, I wasn't as surprised. You did the right thing by removing it, Mari." Removing what?

"She doesn't know what the surgery was for," Allen tells him and Jin turns to him, nodding quickly. "We agreed not to talk about it yet with her. We're waiting to see how her recovery goes." He is wording it nicely, but he's trying to say that he's waiting with Aruto to see if I get my memories back or not. 

"Aruto is doing the right thing then." Jin looks back at me and smiles. "It is great to see you, mother."

"Mother?" I'm his mom?

"Oh, don't think that you're actually my mom! I just see you like one since I don't have one. I only have a father," Jin says, explaining what he meant. Ah, so we're not biologically related then? It is only a thing he sees me as.

I nod my head and smile back at him. "It is a pleasure to meet you, son." I think I should be nice to him and treat him like a son. If he sees himself being family with me, I should learn to see him that way as well.

"I am just glad you're okay. Horobi made me worry about you," he tells me.

"Horobi and you are...?"

"Oh, he's my father!" Jin grins, looking proud to be Horobi's son. He's Horobi's son? "I know we don't look alike, but that doesn't matter. We're related to each other." 

"Jin is a HumaGear," Allen explains. Ah, so they aren't blood related at all. "Horobi made him."

Horobi made himself a son? I wonder what the reason for that is. Why would Horobi want to have a HumaGear son? HumaGears are wonderful, but why one for a son? There has to be a reason.

"I see that you're discussing things with my wife that you shouldn't be. It is bad enough everyone keeps her from returning to my side isn't it?" Gai?

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