-Chapter 136

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-Chapter 136: It Remains Faint in My Heart

"I got your outfit ready for today," I say as Aruto steps into the kitchen. I hope he doesn't mind eating an American breakfast again. I'm still working on learning Japanese dishes since my family didn't really do the entire Japanese meal thing.

"I saw it, but I got hungry and wanted to see you first," he responds, grinning at me. "You look cute in that blue dress. It isn't as fancy as your former attire, but it is nice still."

"It is a nice blue dress. I like the rose patterned lace on it." It is a nice, long blue dress with a pretty rose pattern to it. It looks so good on me, but I'm a bit biased.

I am glad that we're pretending the other day never happened. How can my sperm donor father try to pay me off to never see him and that woman again? They don't need to pay me to do that. I have no intentions of meeting with them ever again. They can watch me live my life and wish that they could have known me. They will see what they missed out on eventually.

"I think I should get some of you before breakfast," he says, moving closer to me and leaning in. He places his lips against mine and I close my eyes, putting my arms around him as we kiss slowly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I open my eyes and pull back from his delightful lips. "Are you expecting anyone to come over today?" I know I don't have anyone coming over personally.

He shakes his head, looking a bit disappointed. "No, I don't think anyone is supposed to come over. You're the only one who is supposed to be here with me. Shall we go and see who it is?"

"Yeah, sure. If your food gets cold, I'll heat it up or make a new batch. I don't mind making more food for you."

"You're so sweet." He leans back in and places a kiss on my cheek. "You're the best!"

"No, you are!" I look away from him as a stupid grin grows on my face. Why does he make me feel so silly sometimes?

I remove my arms from him and move around him, heading towards the door. I wonder who is here right now. Does someone have business with us?

I stop in front of the door and place my hand on the doorknob. I turn it and open the door, which is locked on the outside, and look out. Jin?

"Mari, can I come in? Allen told me that you are staying with Aruto and I remember coming here last time."

"Last time?" Aruto asks.

"He walked me home with Horobi. It was an innocent walk and nothing more. Horobi is too into the Ark to care about me," I state, saying the truth.

"It was indeed quite innocent." Jin nods, agreeing with me. "So, can I come on in?"

I move back, making room for the HumaGear to enter the place, and he steps in. "Please, make it your home. And don't do it literally. I am just telling you to settle in like it is a home to you." The last thing I need is him moving in and stopping me from having a wonderful time with Aruto.

I shut the door as Jin moves out of the way of it and he smiles. "I will be sure to make this place feel like home to me. Aruto, can you go and get Mari something to drink?" Jin asks.

I look at Aruto as he nods. "Sure," he responds softly. "I can do that."

He turns away and heads towards where we just came from. He's really going to leave me with Jin? Why is he leaving me with Jin? It isn't bad to be left with Jin, but can we truly trust him to leave me be here?

"I wanted to ask you to come back to MetsubouJinrai. We need you," Jin says, speaking softly to me. "Horobi needs you and I want you back home. Please, can you come back?"

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