-Chapter 145

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-Chapter 145: As if I'm Walking on Clouds

**I have a poll for this story due to noticing how the reads go up and down for certain chapters. The chapters with Horobi seem to have reads up higher and I want to see the reason for that. So, first poll is about who you prefer her with. The second is about why you dislike a certain pairing. Vote for the options that fit with what you think. Polls are at the end of the chapter. Thanks** 

"Horobi, can you do something for me today?" I ask, trying not to sound too hopeful. I don't need him to think I'm desperate for him to hang out with me right now. 

He looks away from his computer system. "What is it?" he asks, his eyes landing on me.

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend for a day? I want to see what it is like to date a Humagear. I know the Ark doesn't will us to date, but I want to try it for a moment." I need him to do it for me so I can move on with my life.

"Hm...it seems like I am allowed to date you for a day. The Ark has just granted me permission to fulfill your request," he says, standing up. "This requires going on a date doesn't it? Outside, correct?" 

"Yeah, I want to walk around with you." We can't go many places together, so we're going to have to stick around here. "Is it fine if we take a walk some place? You can decide where."

"We can walk around Daybreak," he tells me, looking me over. "The clothes look fine on you still. I was worried that you lost weight due to that man's mistreat of you."

Did I lose weight when with Gai? I don't remember. All I know is that I've been eating well now that I am living away from him. Gai may have had fancy food for me to make and what not, but that didn't matter if I felt like vomiting all the time. I didn't want to eat and he was stressing me out. I wanted out. 

"Ah...I guess it does fit fine." I didn't notice that my dress might be a bit lose. "I am wearing tights under it so no one takes a peak up my dress. Some guys do crazy things when they see a pretty girl or are quite desperate." 

"It is nice to see you without bruising or looking in fear." He steps towards me and holds out his arm to me. "I'll escort you outside."

"Are they around?" I want to know if his family of Humagears are nearby. "I know they're not all your children to you, but they are family aren't they? Is your family around?" I feel like we're being secretive despite not trying to be. 

"They're somewhere. Do not worry about them too much," he responds, answering my question. His voice is so nice to hear. 

I nod. "Alright."

I can take his arm and head out now that I know that.


"This is...uh...romantic, huh?" I ask, my eyes looking around Daybreak as Horobi holds onto my hand gently with his.

Horobi doesn't really get the romance thing, but he has seen films and all with them in it. He's really into old movies about samurais, which is probably why he likes his personal weapon in his civilian form. Pretty sure of it.

"I guess it is," he responds, his voice as deep as it usually is. "I do not understand romance all that well. If you find something romantic and appreciate it, I will do the same for your sake."

Daybreak was a beautiful place to live before its destruction, but its gone now. It isn't totally ugly to look at though. The waters around it are lovely to stare at when the sun's light bounces off of it.

I nod my head and turn my head to face him. "I understand that you don't because you're a HumaGear. You're allowed to feel things. I don't mind you having feelings at all." He deserves to be his own being and not the Ark's puppet.

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