-Chapter 163

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-Chapter 163: Look at Me

"It is so great being in this fantastic building once again!" Nina exclaims, her eyes scanning the area we're in at Hiden Intelligence.

"Nina, you've been here before and nothing has really changed. The only thing that is different is what goes on here and the fact Gai is running this place," I state, rolling my eyes. She's seriously being so immature right now.

We were sent here to see something Jun wanted us to see and to do some work. Gai is willing to work with us right now, but that could change. I'm not sure if we can all fully trust him right now or not.

"Hello, Mrs. Amatsu," Jun's voice says and I turn a bit, my eyes going to him. "Who is this?"

I look at Nina, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, hello there." He wants to know about Nina?

Nina's eyes land on the man that I don't really like, Jun Fukuzoe. That man doesn't like Aruto too much, but he dislikes Gai even more. Why is Nina even staring at him right now?

"Mari, who is that man?" Nina asks me curiously, her voice low. "I like his sense of style. Is he single?"

"Nina, you can get anyone you want." Why does she have to want him of all the guys around us? "You can introduce yourself and then go off to find a different man working here."

"You won't let me go after Aruto, so I want him. Please, let's just introduce me, the hottest woman currently in the room, and let me work my magic on him." Nina is high up on herself right now isn't she? Great.

I sigh heavily and force a smile on my face. "Mr. Fukuzoe, Nina Date is from Halo Horizons and is here to look over the evidence you have against my soon-to-be ex-husband. Sorry for the late introduction, but I had to talk to her a bit privately first."

Jun's eyes look over Nina as the other guy next to him gasps. "She doesn't look like a typical worker at a company." He seems confused that someone would let her color her hair pink for a business type job.

"They are pretty generous with their rules for hair colors. So, you're Jun Fukuzoe? I am so happy to meet someone like you here." Nina moves from my side and straight up to him, holding out her pretty hand to him. "The pleasure is all mine. I love Hiden Intelligence so far." She's really coming onto him strong and he'll probably go for her since he can't get anything but her.

"Oh, you do?"

"You're my favorite worker here to deal with already," Nina states, really putting it on him. Yeah, she's just going to go and get him now isn't she? "I bet you could be President one day if you try hard enough."

"Nina, chill out," I say, rolling my eyes. "Seriously, stop making the flirts and let's get to work." This is certainly quite annoying.

Nina turns to me. "I am just being honest. He should be a CEO right now with how amazing he is. Honestly, I think he could dominate a ton of things if he tried hard enough." Okay, she's thirsty.

"Nina." I look at Jun. "I am so sorry about her."

Jun shakes his head. "No, I like this woman. She's good at talking." Yeah, about you.

I roll my eyes and look back at Nina. "Nina, you're being really thirsty right now and I would love for you to chill. We're not here for bananas, we're here for work. Got it?" I state, speaking in English. I do not need Jun understanding what we're talking about right now.

Nina nods her head. "I'll stop banana chasing for five seconds in order to get the job done properly. So, what are we here for again?" She turns back to Jun and flashes him a smile, still being thirsty. There is no end to the thirst is there?

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