-Chapter 24

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-Chapter 24: No Mercy

"We're heading to the voice acting studio for the adaptation of my favorite manga!" Aruto exclaims, looking at me with a huge smile on his face. Oh, that's what we're doing? I still haven't read that. Not like I have been able to.

I've been recovering slowly from the injuries I gained. My makeup has to be thick as heck to cover any dark purple looking bruises, but it looks good, and my full on suit looks nice on me. I'm swearing a white scarf around my neck to hide any obvious signs of being choked. I don't even remember that happening.

"Sounds like it is going to be fun to watch." I force a smile onto my face. "It is amazing what HumaGears can do, huh? Voice acting...it seems like it is an enjoyable thing to do."

"Yeah, HumaGears are really awesome aren't they? By the way, Seine is the HumaGear that I want you to check out. She's predicted to become super famous one day due to her skills. You'll see her when we get there."

"Is A.I.M.S. going to join us?" I ask. If Isamu is there, I'll get to see Kairi.

"They should show up there. They kind of are everywhere these days," Aruto responds, answering my question. "Come on, let's get going inside."

I can't believe that I'm joining him on this, but I have to. Even though I'm needing to recover, I can't act like I am not okay. I have to be okay no matter what. Even if it is lying to everyone else.

"Alright, let's go see your favorite getting dubbed." Perfuman Tsurugi...what a show it is going to be.

Aruto opens the door and holds it out. "You can go first."

"Really? Thanks." So sweet. "I mean it."

"No problem." He grins.

I enter the building as someone gets up from the front desk. I think that the receptionist is going to escort us to the room. I should let Aruto head there with Izu first. I kind of forgot she is here with us due to her only talking when she needs to.

"Hello, are you the President of Hiden Intelligence and the Halo Horizons worker?" The receptionist asks us, moving out of the room she is that keeps people from bothering them. Also, helps them keep people in front of their workspace.

"Yes, that is us," Aruto says, answering her. "Mari, let's get going."

"I'll meet you guys up there." I'm going to let them go ahead. I need to check on something really quick.

"Take as long as you need to. I know that you're a busy woman," Aruto tells me, patting me on the back gently. "Izu, let's go."

"Alright, Aruto." Izu nods and they move around me, heading with the receptionist over to where they need to go.

I step over to the side, reaching into my purse. I pull out something, my eyes going down. My black key is now back in my hands away from Horobi. He just had to go out for a moment and leave it where I could get my hands on it. Then again, he thought I was asleep. Fool. Did he really think I would listen to every single little thing that he has told me to do?

I look around and slide it back in, sighing a bit. I'm a bit nervous about having it now though. If he finds out I have it, he'll surely come for it and punish me for stealing it back. This key is too much for him to handle. I know it and I know I deserve an upgrade. Everyone else is getting one.


"Isamu?" I turn, smiling. "Hey, you brought my favorite girl in the world! Hey, Kairi!"

Kairi stops, smiling at me in return. "A.I.M.S. informed Aruto Hiden that he should come here with you earlier. So, I am glad to see you here as I was unsure if Aruto would go through with it." They asked him to have me here?

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