-Chapter 45

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-Chapter 45: Fox

"How was Hiden Intelligence the other day?" Gai asks me, probably trying to find out if I found anything worth while out about Aruto and his buddies. Nope, I didn't find anything useful out.

"It was the usual. He was sitting at his desk doing whatever he has to do. He's not as fit as you for doing business," I say, lying a bit. Gai's great with business stuff, but Aruto's spirit brings him to the top.

"I guess he doesn't get work done when you're around. Not like I can blame him." Gai smirks, looking away from me. "Would you love to go on another mission to his workplace? It seems like it benefits me to have you there."

"Are you sure you want me to?" He really likes me being at Hiden Intelligence. Is this supposed to be a sign of something of what?

"I am sure of it." He looks back at me, smile still on his face. "You can go home and change into something that will please him." Oh, I can do that. 

I love being distracting to Aruto because of his reactions. Of course, it is nothing more than that. We're just really good friends and we love to be around each other. Nothing wrong with having a male friend that you like to tease. 

I don't know what it is about messing with Aruto, but it brings me joy. He gets so uneasy and it makes me feel like I'm in high school again. I remember liking all the cute guys, but never going for them due to being so shy and all. No wonder why I ended up marrying someone like Allen due to my lack of experience. I didn't see any red flags until I got married. 

"I'll handle him, Gai." I smile. "I want to be able to distract him for you." For myself, actually.

What can I possibly wear today that will get him all red in the face? I want him to be nervous and concerned about me. I don't have to try too hard because I'm just so beautiful to him.

"I'll leave it to you, Mari." Gai stands up and moves around his desk, heading over to the window.

"Is there a chance that I'll be able to come back late tonight? I don't want to leave Aruto a moment to be alone."

He can go home alone though. It isn't like I can go with him back to his place. I wouldn't complain if I could.

"That is fine if you do that. We all know who is ending up with you tonight in the end period," he answers, not looking at me.

Gai is just so full of himself. My loyalties don't lie with him at all. I would ditch him if Horobi told me to join him and take over the world. I rather spend all my days with Horobi and Jin than be stuck with him each and every single night. I do not know what he is up to and it scares me a bit.

"I'll go home and change now."


I look at my watch and sigh. I'm wearing a tight black mini dress and thigh high boots, which should be pretty distracting for Aruto. Now, I just need him to leave his office and walk by me so he can admire my fishnet stockings and how they make my legs look.

"Time for lunch!" Aruto exclaims. Yes, my plan is now officially activated! I can now get him to be by my side for a bit and Gai is to thank for this.

I look over my left shoulder as he comes down the steps, probably ready to eat something delicious. He's not getting that delicious meal like he wants to. He's going to have to settle for something a little less delicious and that is me wasting his time today.

He steps next to where I am and I turn, placing my hand on his chest and backing him into the wall. I look up at his face as his eyes go wide. It is great being attractive to people sometimes. I wonder if my old face would have gotten him all worked up instantly.

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