-Chapter 92

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-Chapter 92: But This Smiles Wearing Thin

"I think we should design a new weapon for Abyss to use," I suggest, picking up a few pieces of paper from my beautifully made wooden desk.

Gai had it custom made to fit in with my taste. It is a beautiful red wood desk and I can appreciate it despite who it is from. I can't blame the desk for being something from Gai.

"Abyss should have a new weapon?" Nina leans back in her seat in front of my desk and purses her lips. "Why? She's powerful enough and under control."

"Since she's representing us at this moment while Mari is trying to have a child with loving husband, I think it is best to let Abyss handle things. Also, we designed something for Kairi recently due to her being able to use your Key," Rei tells me.

I look him in the eyes. "What did you make her one? Another version of my key is out there now?" I place the papers back down. 

Why do we need to make keys for her? Does she want to be a Kamen Rider? I'm not against Kairi being able to transform, but I am worried that it'll cause some issues. I'm worried about the chip in my head right now despite not having evidence anything is wrong with it. I looked at how it was doing and it seemed fine. 

"You can say that. Also, we entered Cat and Dog into the system the other day. How did you make it?" Rei responds. I didn't make Cat and Dog, but I'll take credit for it.

"I was researching into the keys that we make and decided to give it a shot myself. So, I made it," I lie, holding out the papers to them. "This was put together by our collaborating, ZAIA Enterprise. Of course, the Japanese branch is our partner due to my husband running it. He put me in charge due to his faith in my abilities of running Halo Horizons for him. Once he manages to buyout Hiden Intelligence, he won't be able to focus on us all the time. So, that is why I'm in charge." I'm glad he didn't take it away from me.

Abyss is going to need a new Key to use to upgrade her capabilities while I'm not allowed to run around and do Kamen Rider things. Gai has all my things on hand and isn't willing to let me fight alongside Aruto and the others. He's doing this as a part of my punishment and I hate it. He can't keep me from being a Kamen Rider too much longer.

"I think you will all find that my plan for Abyss is promising. Mari helped me come up with things that will improve Abyss greatly," Gai's voice says and I look over at the entrance to my office. He steps in, looking casually handsome as usual, and smiles. "It will increase her power by at least five hundred percent if done properly."

"Guys, if you can leave the room for a moment, I would love to see what he wants. It must be about our partnership," I lie. Did I just think that he was handsome? Even though that is true, that is gross to even think of.

"It is a pleasure to see you, President Amatsu," Nina says, sounding like a fangirl. "I would love to have another double date with you and your wife soon. I love being around Aruto." And Aruto loves being around me.

"It is a honor, sir," Rei states and I look at him as he exits the room, taking his things with him. Nina follows him out, leaving me alone with Gai.

"What brings you here?" I ask, getting straight to the point. "Close the door."

Gai moves over to the door and shuts it, smiling as he does so. I think that smile of his got even bigger. It is like he's proud of himself for showing his face around here. I wanted a stress free day, but that isn't going to happen. I got to put up with Gai now.

"I wanted to see you in action. It seems like you didn't get to the point of the meeting yet with those two," he says, answering me. "I like making sure things are running smoothly. Also, don't forget to have them put on the ZAIA Specs. They're extremely helpful when it comes to work." Of course he's promoting his product here!

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