-Chapter 112

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-Chapter 112: I Know You're Not the One

I wipe my hands on the towel and turn a bit as Gai steps into the kitchen, adjusting his coat a little bit. He's going to head out soon, I guess. I'm sure he is doing some more promotional activities for why he should be the vote winner. Like he deserves it.

"You look absolutely beautiful when you're done cleaning the dishes. I am glad I get to see you like this again, Mari," Gai says, his eyes looking me over as he smiles a little. "I missed you."

I look away, resisting the urge to snap at him.

I don't want him to feel like he has won me at all. He used an underhanded tactic to get me back into our home. I can't walk around with Aruto right now unless I want him to be targeted as a wife stealer. I know he's being painted as that already, but it'll cause more problems for him and his reputation and I can't risk his livelihood again.

"You're a dangerous woman to love," Gai comments and I close my eyes. "You put those who love you in danger and it is fascinating to see them let themselves burn for you. Do you enjoy it? Come on, I won't blame you for snapping at me."

I don't want to give him what he wants. He wants me to snap at him and tell him off. He wants to control me and my reactions, but I can't let him have it.

"You have an appointment tomorrow, so attend it. Your therapist is waiting to talk to you about what is going on. Also, I am going to be looking into our options. We're having a baby together period. That was agreed upon when we married, so I'm holding you to it." 

"If that is what you want, I'll go with it," I tell him, opening my eyes. He's not going to embrace me and act like a good husband right now? Shame. 

My eyes go over to him as he turns his back to me. He is going to leave now? Good.

"Mari, follow me to the living room, please," Gai orders and I turn fully towards him. He wants me to follow him right now? Why?

"Is there something for us to discuss?" I ask, being cautious. 

"All of my decisions need to be shared with you so that you understand them. I do not need to leaving you second guessing things about my intentions with you moving forward." 

"I don't want to go with you," I state, my voice low. 

Why am I so afraid of him? He hasn't lifted his hand towards me, yet I'm so afraid. My body constantly trembles when I'm around him. He's terrifying to me. How he does everything...that terrifies me.

He turns to me and looks me over, probably taking note of my trembling. "I'm not going to hurt you, so why do you give me that look? Why act this way if I won't? I am doing what a good husband does and I am keeping you safe from those who will only harm you."

Why am I looking at him the way I am right now? It is because I don't feel safe and I don't feel alright being in this house with him again. I'm afraid of him controlling me for the rest of my life and never letting me have happiness again.

"Tell me what you want me to do for you and I will do it to make you happy. I want you to be able to trust me, Mari," Gai says. He doesn't want me to trust him, he just wants to control me and make me into the wife he wants me to be. He's no better than Allen.

"I want to know if Isamu is Naki for sure." I want to be sure I am understanding everything going on with Isamu perfectly. 

"Naki?" Gai looks at me in a bit of confusion. "How come you're curious about that thing?" Thing? So, Naki was indeed a HumaGear then? 

"Naki approached me not long ago," I state, answering him. "He or she, I don't really know their gender, told me to stay out of their way. I want to know if it is true that is why Horobi protected Isamu from you." 

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