-Chapter 25

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-Chapter 25: Pulse

I open my eyes as a familiar beep goes off. It smells clean in here and the ceiling is a familiar shade of bright white. Is this...the hospital? How did I end up in the hospital?

"You weren't supposed to be using this key until I told you to. Now you know what happens when you don't do what you're told, right?" Horobi? What's he doing at a hospital with me?

I sit up, hair falling into my face messily. I feel like I got hit by something huge and hard. Did Abyss do this to me? I feel like something ran right into my body and backed up.  Then it hit me again and didn't go away.

"You went into distress after I ended your transformation. Don't worry, no one is going to kick me out of your room or see us together. Visiting hours are over and you're stable enough for no one to check on your right away," Horobi tells me, informing me of my condition. So, I'm not going to cough up anymore blood?

Horobi is like a shadow. He is just kind of there, attached to my side. Actually, he's more like a ninja. He just appears and everyone just lets it happen. That would explain how he gets around with Jin.

I look over at him, staring through the corners of my eyes. "I don't want to see you," I state, venom dripping from my words. 

I would scream right now if it would do something. But if I did that, I have a feeling he would just overpower any security here. Horobi isn't someone who seems easy to fight. He hasn't done any actual fighting yet, but I can tell just from how his vibe feels. He'll sting fast if you provoke him.

He holds up something, looking down at it. "This is too much for you to handle in your current state. I had to begin life saving treatment on you just to make sure you didn't give up too soon on me. After all, I have to punish you for disobeying me." Hey, that's my key! And by life saving treatment, he means taking Abyss away and getting me help. 

"Kill me then." I glare. "You should have let me die. I'm not worth saving if I'm just going to become weak now am I? And if you hate humans so much, shouldn't I be allowed to die peacefully from my own hands instead of yours?"

"I went through a lot just to protect you and how you want to pay me back is by begging for me to kill you?" He looks up at me as he puts Abyss into some pocket of his. I wouldn't know and I don't want to find out. "I have done so much for you. I've invested a lot into you despite my better judgment."

"You provided me a cold, musty room." But I love being there anyway. I have some serious issues for living with those two evil guys.

"It is better than being in danger at all times sn't it? At least you're not worrying about if I'm going to stand above you, right?" He steps towards me, stopping at the edge of the bed. "Don't you dare think about taking it from me again, alright? I'll be forced to stop you if you do."

I don't have the time to deal with this crap. "What happened with Jin?" He's right though. I am not in immediate danger with him and Jin near me.

"Jin is safe back home where he belongs. You reacted badly to me handling the situation that emerged."

"You hacked your own son."

"Your anger increased the power of Abyss," he states, ignoring my comment. "It amplified the power of Abyss and made it hurt you due to your body being unable to handle that kind of power. If you use it like that again, Mari, you will certainly die."

"I don't want to deal with you right now, Horobi, so just go." He made a life and he should take care of it. "You can make a life. You know what I can't do? I can't make a life on my own." I'm bitter that someone like him is a father and I'm not a mother.

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