-Chapter 157

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-Chapter 157: This is Torture to Me

I look around the room as Horobi stands in the corner, just looking a bit distant. I know Yua told me not to come here alone, but I wanted to see Horobi again. I can't help but want to see him. I miss him that much when I'm away from him.

I move over to him and he doesn't move, obviously busy in his own mind. He is thinking about something it seems. I guess he is trying to figure out what their next move is going to be. Maybe the Ark is hardly giving them orders right now.

I stop and put my arms around him, embracing him gently. "Horobi, I love you," I say, looking up at his face.

He looks down at me and puts his hands on my hands. "Mari, you do not feel that way towards me right now." What is this?

He removes my arms from him and I look down, my heart sinking. "Are you rejecting me right now, Horobi?"

"I have no choice but to reject you right now. It is the Ark's will for me to reject your affection at this time." So, that is why he's being this way, huh? "If you truly love me, wouldn't you join us? Wouldn't you give up your friends for me?" The Ark is putting doubt into his head it seems.


"I am sorry, but I cannot accept your affection right now. Please leave me be." He moves around me, heading towards where the exit is, and I turn. He is just going to reject me because the Ark told him to or is there more to the story?

"Heh, you got rejected!" Raiden?

"Raiden?" I turn as he moves out from the corner of the room he's in.

"It is Ikazuchi, Mari," he points out, looking me over. "How amusing that you are getting rejected. It makes sense for you to. The Ark can only favor someone like you for so long."

I look away from him, holding back a laugh. "So what if I got rejected? At least I am not the Ark's least favorite to use. I am sure that Naki gets more playtime than you do, Raiden." I refuse to call him by his Metsuboujinrai name.

"If the Ark stops favoring you, I'll be the one who ends you. I'll be on top of you doing so." He's just going to ignore my previous words and say this kind of thing to me?

I look back at him, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Um...okay?" Why on top? "Why did you word it like that?"

"Because it bothers you." Raiden smirks, looking absolutely smug. He's definitely proud of himself because of that. "I'm not an idiot. I know you're not wanting a piece of this fine body. I'm too hot to handle."

"Jin's the fire one, not you." I hate to be a bitch, but this is the moment for it. "Besides, we're not into each other."

"I know I'm not into you, but you are so into me. You'll be stupid not to be." And here's that annoying personality of his. He is so full of himself and he thinks he's so great!

"And what put that disgusting thought into your head, Raiden?"

"Ikazuchi," he says, correcting me. "I am not Raiden any longer." Yeah, whatever he says.

"Do you know if he loves me or not right now?" I am going to switch the subject and talk about Horobi with him. "I want to know if I'm wasting my time on him or not."

"Horobi gave your that bracelet didn't he? There is your answer." Raiden points at my wrist. "I am surprised that you're asking me that right now. You should know how he feels about you."

I nod my head. "Yeah, you're right that I should know about that, Raiden. But you know what? How am I supposed to know that when he's being so cold to me? How am I supposed to know that when he's the one being used as a tool of war? The Horobi I love is sometimes not there and it is so hard seeing that!"

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