-Chapter 31

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**Trigger warning: Mentions of rape and violence. Nothing in graphic detail**

-Chapter 31: Here We Are

I turn in my bed, eyes landing on Horobi's head and Jin's head next to his. They're both just chilling over there together away from me. We have a serious problem on our hands and yet they're being so casual about things. Someone knows about us working together and I don't like it one bit.

"Someone tried to kill me and all you two can do is just keep it down over there?" I ask. Not like it matters that someone did. They're only keeping me safe because of the Ark.

"Jin, if you see that Rider, take them out," Horobi says, giving an order. "Since someone is upset about it still, I should handle it aloud to reassure them that they are indeed safe."

"I will do so. Mari, I got your back!" Jin exclaims, turning to me with a grin. Of course, of course.

Jin isn't going to question anything Horobi has to say. If Horobi would have been there when Jin first got a hold of me, I wouldn't be here right now. I would six feet underground or cremated.

"Thanks, Jin." I would thank Horobi, but he hardly does anything really. I'm only thankful when he covers my behind and helps me out.

I am into Horobi, for whatever reason, and it sucks. We're both living together and most of the time, it is like I'm alone. Sure, we talk, but it is mostly one sided. He's not that interested in answering all my questions about things that he has gone through. Apparently, none of it is my business.

"Did you eat yet?" Horobi asks me, changing the subject. "If you keep not eating, you will need to get checked out at the hospital. And you know how we all feel about hospitals, right?" Yeah, that they aren't for saving lives.

"I ate." I am not in the mood to eat right now. Someone tried offing me for no good reason and I have no idea who is behind it.

"You can lie all you want, Mari, but I know what you do since you're in here all day with me." Well, not all the time, jerk.

"I'll eat soon."

Jin moves closer to me and picks up a bag of crackers. "Here, you should eat these. I wish I could eat them since they look so cute and remind me of my brother!" he exclaims, holding out the bag to me.

I take it and put it on my lap. "Animal crackers remind you of your brother? Is it because he's a bird?"

"I'm also a bird. I'm a falcon!" Jin grins, laughing a little. "Horobi is a scorpion!" No, Horobi is a jerk who likes to steal things that don't belong to him.

"Why haven't you used my gift yet? You allowed that Kamen Rider to step all over you," Horobi asks me, interrupting our conversation.

"Because I didn't think it would go badly and I didn't feel the need to fight with an injury. Your key might be useless against someone with that kind of power. It is like...they're part of my company." How they transformed...it uses the same system as me.

Horobi stands up. "I am aware that you are injured, but at least fight back. I cannot fight all your battles for you. If you need to get mental help, do it so you can get back on track."

"I'm mentally sound." 

No, I'm not. But I don't want to have some stranger know all my problems and deem me insane for having them. Also, I don't want to be labeled as a victim of abuse in my medical records. It'll follow me then and everyone who sees it will know about it. I could lose my job if anyone thinks I'm not sane enough to be a Kamen Rider. I only passed the testing due to not remembering any of this. 

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