-Chapter 89

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-Chapter 89: You'll Never Forget It

"Welcome back, sir," Yua says, bowing her head. She lifts her head up quickly and her eyes go to me. "Oh, you're here? Welcome back to you too, Mrs. Amatsu." She seems surprised that I'm here right now with Gai.

I bow my head in return a bit and look at Gai as he smiles. He is happy with this. He wanted us to come back together and be seen together. This place is full of reporters ready to take our entire life story down in writing, but they only have cameras. So, they're just going to record it if we decide to talk.

"Is Aruto going to watch the news later?" Gai asks, getting straight to the point. "You know, about my official honeymoon?" It seems like she didn't think he would bring me with him. Did she think he was going to lock me up again? 

He really made sure that this would be about hurting Aruto in someway, huh? That is...kind of a nice plan. Horrible, but nice evil plan. I hate that he's doing this, but I can praise someone's evil plot when it is pretty well done. He really is a mastermind and good at tricking me completely. Not like anything special happened during the honeymoon like he made it out to be. I think he just did it for appearances.

"I will be sure that he tunes into the special report on you coming back from your official honeymoon with Mari. I'll tell him that it has something to do with his company."

"Actually, it will. Have them report on the contest between our companies and that it is going in my favor," Gai tells her, eyes going down to me. "I also want you to let the reporters know that my wife is tired and we need to get home to relax. Is the car ready?"

"The car is ready, sir," she responds, sounding a bit dry. I think her knowing that it is technically our official honeymoon has killed her inside. She's dead. "This way." She motions to the side by pointing to her left. 

"Come, Mari," Gai orders, taking my left hand with his right one. "We're going to head home now." 

I look over as a bunch of people take pictures of us and others talk into microphones. They're watching us, so I have to go with him. I have to be his precious wife again and seem happy to be at his side. 

"Alright." I guess I'll go home with him. 

"Everyone, please get out of the way. The President's wife is tired after their honeymoon," Yua says, her voice still dry. She seems hopeless, much like how I feel sometimes when being stuck with Gai.

He should be honest with her and let her know the honeymoon wasn't even a real honeymoon.


"You stopped your hormones didn't you?"

How did he figure that out? "I-"

I stare at the few bottles of pills that he managed to get from the doctor. It started at one, but they found a reason to try these things together. Apparently, they work just fine together and they want to know if it for sure does. I have no intentions on letting that happen.

I pick up the bottles and toss them into the trashcan. I turn to the side and grab some papers, which are blank and from my sketchbook, and place them on top. He can't see the underneath part of it, so he probably won't go looking into this. 

"You don't have to lie, I already ran a test on a blood sample to see the levels. I won't punish you since I'm sure you have your reasons, but let me warn you that you may not have a child if you keep it up," Gai says, cutting me off quickly. "I also discovered your pills in the trashcan."

He is having Yua drive us, which is interesting due to the fact she never really does. Wait...when did he get a blood sample from me? How did he get that without my knowledge?

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