Remember December~ Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

Setting down at one of the three long tables in the room I got out my pencil and a sheet of paper. When I wrote, it was usually a story idea that never got told or a poem that never was seen. Today I settled on a poem. My poems never rhymed and they tended to always be depressing. I tried writing a happy poem once and it didn't turn out all that hot. I'm not saying that I'm a depressing person, quite the opposite actually. I just wrote depressing stuff. Abuse, rape, lost love and death, things I had never experienced.

As I wrote the first line, the rest just flew out of me in a rush. With poems I never had to think about what I wrote it all just came out. This one turned out depressing, but inspiring at the same time.



Fears of the Fearless

I stand in front of you waiting for the sting of you hand across my cheek

The sting that lets me know I am still alive.

I know it well come, as I know that the sun will rise in the morning sky.

I will not flinch, for you will not get that satisfaction from me.

The gleam in your eyes are meant to scare, to terrify.

But I have learned never to show fear to a predator.

I was the tree, you the powerful thunderstorm that clouded my dreams.

Your wind may blow my branches, but I will not fall easily to you.

Without knowing it, you had made me stronger.

I liked to think of myself as fearless, but I knew it was a lie.

As you raised your powerful hand to strike me I felt the fear.

I felt the tingling on my face where your hand would hurt the most.

Where I would most likely show emotion.

So I was not fearless as I liked to think of myself.

I just wished I was, as my world went black.


Reading the poem again I felt tears prick at my eyes, knowing that some go through this everyday. It made you thankful for your life. Folding it up, I put the poem into my bag and zipped it up. It was going to go with all my other poems in the little blue box on my dresser.

A shadow fell over me as I bent down to get another sheet of paper. I glanced up to be looking into the dancing blue eyes of Cole Usher. To my dismay, my reflex reaction was to smile at him. But I held back and met his smile with a uninterested look

His smile faltered and turned into confusion in a split second. Glad to know he knew I was disappointed.

"December? Is something wrong?"

Was he really that dense?

"We aren't supposed to talk in the class." Was my answer.

"Well I tend to follow my own rules."

"Great. Go follow your own rules all the way over there." I pointed behind me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He whispered.

"Did you and Zach have fun today at lunch, Cole?"

"What?" He tilted his head to the right in confusion.

"I saw you and Zach sitting with the slut bags today at lunch, idiot."

His eyes widened in acknowledgement.

Delaney was sitting across from me but I realized it a little to late. I looked at her and saw anger flash across her brown eyes. Zach just had to be in this class. She rose from her seat calmly, acting as if she wasn't about to go commit a mass murder. Well I knew I would cover for her if they try to send her to jail. Unless no one noticed. I wondered how we were going sneak a dead body of a teenage boy out of the school without being noticed. Oh! I wonder if we could wrap him in one of the tarps the covered the metal bleachers outside!

By the time I shook out of my daydreaming Delaney was standing in front of Zach, her eyes shooting fire. He was staring up at her and I could see exactly when he knew he was about to be murdered by a teenage girl.

Delaney started screaming at the top of her lungs in a totally silent room, yelling words like whore, slut, skank, traitor and douche. At the end of the rant, she slapped him across the face and stormed out. Zach sat there, shell-shocked, his expression almost comical. His brown hair that was usually always flopped into one of his eyes was messed up and his green eyes were so wide, it looked impossible.

Well hadn't this been an interesting day?


 Big Thanks to Brandi a.k.a.Delaney. She's the one who gave me the idea for this chapter. Love you!

Also, I just wanted to take a second to dedicate this chapter to all abuse and rape victims. It happens everyday and the children, men, and women who endure this are stronger than us all. Keep them in your prayers and always know at least some type of defence. With love- Kayla ♥

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