Remember December~ Chapter Twenty-Six

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  • Dedicated to Brandi and Mandy. <3

Okay, this chapter is dedicated to Brandi, and Mandy. :). To Brandi, because today (yesterday..?) is her birthday and she wanted a chapter as her present. A chapter full of drama. So here it is. xD. Happy Birthday Brandi! To Mandy, because today is her 2 year anniversary to her pretty cool boyfriend, Daylen. Happy Anniversary!! Okay, to the drama filled chapter... ;D

Chapter Twenty-Six


"Delaney...what are you drawing?"

"A picture of many angry villagers beating Kortlynn Rimes with her fucking broomstick."


"Because shes a witch."

"She seemed nice when I spoke to her. She has the locker next to mine..."

"Not you too!" Delaney turned in her chair and stared at me pleadingly. "December, shes not nice at all."

"Well...I don't want to judge anyone if I don't know them..." Delaney and I were in my room, just relaxing after school. She was sitting at my desk, drawing..well things, and I was lying at the foot of my bed on my stomach flipping through an old magazine that I had found.

"So you believe her over me?" She demanded.

I groaned. "I don't know her! You know I try not to judge people by what others say. Please don't be angry with me because of it."

She sighed, and flipped her binder shut. "I'm not angry with you personally I guess. I do wish you believed me though..."

"It's not that I don't want to."

"I know. It's fine, really."

It had been two weeks since the road trip, and everything had gone back to the way it was before. Aside from the fact that Delaney just seemed...defeated somehow.

"Delaney...what's wrong? You're not acting"

"It's just everyone believes Kortlynn is so damn nice! She's not! It's all an act.  All she does is hang around Delilah, and Scarlett, and flirts with Zach..."

"I haven't noticed any flirting..." I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion. Usually, I was pretty good at detecting stuff like that.

"That's because she doesn't make it obvious like most sluts do."


"Look, I'm just saying it like it is." She explained.

I wanted to believe Delaney, I really did. But Kortlynn had done nothing for me to even suspect that she had ulterior motives.

She sighed again, and grabbed her bag that was by the door. "I have to go to Nick's house to give him the homework he missed today. Hes been acting really weird lately...have you noticed?"

"Yeah...he acts so tired."

"Exactly. I'm going to find out what's wrong, I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Bye December."

"Bye" I mumbled as she left.

I flipped over onto my back, staring at the ceiling. I listened for the front door to close and when it did I closed my eyes. All alone in my house.

It wasn't surprising my parents hadn't gotten home yet. A postcard from Maine had been set yesterday, with a quick happy birthday on the back. My birthday was in two days, the first of December. Yeah, how cliche, right? I wasn't really all that excited. Thankfully, it was on a Saturday this year. No getting up early!

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