Remember December~ Chapter Twenty-Four [[Picture Of Cole]]

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Okay, I know the last chapter sucked. That was an epic fail on my part. /: Sorry! This one is better [[I hope!]]

Chapter Twenty-Four


After everyone was home from the awful trip, things went back to normal pretty quickly. No one went to school on Friday, and the weekend was spent mostly sleeping. When Monday came, it was an unspoken agreement that we told no one the real reason we were all absent on those last two days. My excuse was that I suddenly came down with a 3 day flu and spent Sunday resting so I could come in today. I was ready to go inside the old brick building and act like my whole life hadn’t been altered one tiny bit.

I parked my car in the usual spot and briskly made my way to the ugly green doors. Pulling one open I made my way through the halls, smiling at people I knew. When I reached the haven of my locker, the smile dropped from my face. I didn’t want to be here, I wanted to be curled up in my bed fast asleep. Sighing, I spun the combination on the lock and swung the metal door open with such force that it banged loudly against the locker next to mine. I grimaced and hoped no one had noticed that.

Of course my hope was in vain.

“Are you that mad you broke up with me December?” A cocky voice said from behind me.

I stiffened involuntarily and took deep breaths before slowly turning around, a forced smirk on my face.

“Brad.” I acknowledged him with a tilt of my head.

“I knew you would miss me, but not coming to school for two days because you regretted what you had done? Typical girl.”

I rolled my eyes. What had I ever seen in him? “I was sick, asshole.” I turned back to my locker and got my books out for first and second period. I had gotten a new schedule in the mail. Due to my two absences, they had re-arranged some things. I thought it was stupid. Thankfully, I got to keep my creative writing classes as well as my free period. Unfortunately, math was earlier in the day.

“I’m sure.” Brad laughed.

I slammed my locker shut and twirled around to face him quickly. He looked startled by the very irritated look that no doubt covered my face. “Listen, I do not regret dumping you at all, because you are a complete and fucking douche. You cheated on me with some filthy whore and the way you’re acting right now is making it crystal clear to me that breaking up with your sorry ass is one of the best things I have ever done. With that said, will you please get out of my way.”

I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them, I looked at Brad calmly, waiting for him to move. When he didn’t I arched an eyebrow. “I’m going to be late for class.” Slowly, he moved out of the way and I pushed pass him, walking down the hall.

I could feel the stares I was getting from people who had witnessed my small melt-down, but I was too pissed to be embarrassed. Checking my schedule, I walked into my first class which was physics. Oh fun. Walking in to the class I went up to the teacher, a pretty blonde woman in her mid-thirties. She had laugh lines around her brown eyes and I couldn’t help but feel welcome.

“Uhm, hi. I’m December Rawlins and I’m in this class now…” I handed her my schedule, not daring to look at my new classmates. God, I hate being shy.

“Okay December. I’m Mrs. Ashcraft. Take any available seat.” She smiled up at me and I smiled timidly back at her. She handed me back my schedule and I looked out at the class. Looking into the faces of the teenagers before me, I only saw dull greens and murky browns and a few dark blues. I felt my heart plummet as I realized that I had been secretly hoping that a pair of clear blue eyes would be staring back at me.

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