The Skelliger gagged as his loud filled her mouth. But she quickly swallowed and batted his hand away. They were both breathing heavily as they laid on the broken bed. Cerys gasping for air, "You're....not"

The witcher moved his muscular arm and wrapped it around her, "You're not too bad yourself."


(F/N) was in a dark hallway. He slowly walked forward. He reached for his sword but it wasn't there. The witcher readied his fists, he would make do with what he had. He heard the sound of someone screaming his name, "(F/N)! (F/N)!"


The witcher charged forward through the hall. He heard Ciri's voice, but this time it was weak, "Fangs...please."

(F/N) charged onto a grass hillside. There was fire everywhere. What he saw horrified him. Ciri was fighting him, but it wasn't him. He had turned into a monster, a vampire. He had rammed his claws through her gut. His eyes were completely red, he had no sympathy in them. He hissed and roared before he sank his fangs into her neck. He watched as her blood sprayed everywhere.

The real (F/N) yelled out, "No!"

He charged the monster version of himself, but someone beat him there. Geralt sent the vampire flying with the Aard sign. But his master was busy. He was fighting a man in a black cloak and losing. The man had claws just like a higher vampire. He sliced open Geralt's stomach causing the witcher to howl in pain. The cloaked figure grabbed his master by his long white hair and began to laugh.

The figure looked in (F/N)'s direction, he dropped the older witcher and then looked at the vampire, "Dinner." The witcher ran at the vampire version of himself, but he was to slow. Before his very eyes, he was feasting on Geralt. The man who had raised him since he was ten. (F/N) yelled out, as he tried to close his eyes, "No! No! This isn't real."

The hooded figure cackled, "Oh but it will be." He held out his hand, "You can't stop yourself. It's only a matter of time before you lose control. Who will you feed from? Sorceresses, witchers, elder blood. All of it will taste your tounge. You can't stop yourself. This is what you're going to become! You can't fight!"

(F/N) growled, his claws grew, he snarled, "Who are you?"

The figure cackled and slowly grew. It turned into a tall silhouette with antlers, "You will suffer."

The witcher yelled and shot forward, he buried his claws into the demons gut. But then the hym vanished, in its stead was Ciri. She was staring at him shocked, she weakly stretched a hand out as the light left her eyes, she cupped his cheek, "Fangs...please."

(F/N) grabbed her as she fell, forgetting that this wasn't real, "No, no, no. I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! I didn't ask to be this way!"

The witcher shook as he hugged Ciri's dead body, she was cold and lifeless. He heard a stern voice reprimand him, "Pathetic. A true son of mine wouldn't sit there and sob." The smell of cinammon, muskroot, and baking soda filled his nostrils. He clenched Ciri harder and muttered to the voice of his mother, "It's all your fault."


Lothor slapped the witcher awake, "Ey mate you alright," he had been twitching around violently in his sleep, and sweating profusely, it looked as though he was having a fit while he slept. (F/N) awoke violently, he let out a yell and took a swing at the man, before he started calming down.

The Witcher The Swallow and The MonsterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant