.New Rule.

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Hey there humans, fellow Cybertronians! Your lovely Mech Crossfire reporting for duty.

How are we doing today or night?

I'll just get right to it, requests. There's ones I haven't seen before that I thought for sure that I have done in the past. Strange, but nevertheless, I'll set this up.

From now on, requests are to be made on a part that I'll be making up soon. With how things are, ideas for a xreader is a must. They'll be ignored if there isn't any way the story should go.

You'll all find this 'Request Part' right under the introduction on the part list.

I'll be going over this again so that both new and old readers can learn and or be reminded. Other than that, I'll do what I can to get these slow updates out.

Enjoy your life to its fullest,

~Transformers x Readers~ (18+)Where stories live. Discover now