Fun with Shockwave

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Part 1 of the 'fun with' collection of maybe 10
(depends on how many bot/con altogether)

This statement is false.

Shockwave is so smart. So what happens when (y/n) asks him how this human paradox works?


"How in Primus does that work?"
(Y/n) asked herself, going over the human made paradox and trying to figure it out.

"If this statement is false, than that would mean it's true, yet it's false! But then...true...? What?" The (a/c) con could see why it was a paradox, yet couldn't understand if it's one or the other. True or not. It's like the other one that was also a paradox like, 'I am always a lier' or 'Everything I say is false' and another one that she couldn't remember.

She slouched onto the work table and groaned, "how does this work......." Placing servos on her helm, "and why does this exist....." Again, (y/n) groaned confusingly and defeatedly.

"How, how, how, how!" (Y/n) was about to cry when she thought of someone who could resolve it, which brought a smirk to her face-plating.


(Y/n) arrived at Shockwave's lab and proceeded to skip into said lab with a logic-defying question.

"Shockwave~ There's a paradox I can't figure out, a human paradox."

"That's illogical, humans can't make paradoxes, they don't have the means of doing so." Shockwave stopped what he was doing and faced the (a/c) femme that entered.

"Not a time paradox, a statement paradox." (Y/n) giggled, standing against a table next to her.

"Still illogical." He stated, "What is it anyway."

"This statement is false" (y/n) watched with amusement as Shockwave tried to work the paradox out.

"Then the statement is logical."

"But it's not logical." (Y/n) smirked as her reply shocked the logic filled scientist. From where she was, it looked like Shocky was gonna blow a fuse. Poor Shocky~

"But then it's logical because it's not?" Shockwave was acting out of character now, questioning his own words. "But how is it logical yet, illogical!? It's impossible!"

(A/c) (y/n) tried to hold her laughter in as she watched the mech think unlike himself. Speaking on a mix of Cybertronian and English, so he was basically swearing and, oh my, what a colourful rainbow of words.

"It's illogical! Then not!" Steam starts to rise from under his purple armor as he stats to also spark here and there. Then Shockwave froze.

"Shockwave? Hello?" (Y/n) had a hard time keeping her laughter from escaping, Shockwave had blown a fuse! The femme fell to the floor and erupted in laughter.

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